Chapter Sixteen

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**MATURE CONTENT** so if you're like ten and dont know what sex is or know about anything sexual, dont read this. ;)

Another thing i do not hate sophia so no hate comments, i just need this to happen.


 "I actually can’t believe you just said that to one of your best friends." Louis stated.

"He has no right to say shit like that to you." I replied. I watch as he bit his lip and looked down at his shoes.

"Want to go out to the lake with me?" He finally asked, meeting my eyes.

"Can I go put on a suit or do you want me to be naked again?" I asked, smirking. He just rolled his eyes and walked up the stairs as I stood there laughing.

        I ran ahead of Lou so I could get to the lake first. I'm going to get him back today for dunking me last time. I ran behind the huge tree that was a couple feet away from the lake and waited for Louis to come close. When he stopped and looked toward the water I walked slowly behind and picked him up. I don’t think I have ever heard Lou squeal, but it was honestly the cutest thing ever. I tried not to drop him laughing as hard as I was. I threw him in, and when he reached the surface he was giving me his sassy look. You know the one where he raises his eyebrows and squints his eyes just a little bit? It was the best sight.

"Really, Harold?"

"Paybacks a bitch. Right, Lou?" I said, smirking at him. I jumped in right next to him, soaking his face again. I smiled as I looked at him in front of me. His eyes were wide and his lips were parted just a little. "You’re beautiful."


"Uh. N-Nothing." I said looking at the water.

"You did say something. What was it, Harry?" I didn’t realize he got closer until I looked up. He was so close, I could just lean in a little bit and kiss his lips.

"I said that...” I trailed off, really not wanting to tell him.

"Said that?"

"That you were beautiful." I mumbled. He smiled.

"Thank you. You know what? Follow me." He said before getting out. But once I got out, he didn’t move. "Harry."

"What?" I asked utterly confused. He vastly slid his hand to the back of my neck and pulled my head down so we were eye level.

"Kiss me."


"Do you want to come in and watch a film with me?" She nodded and pushed her hair behind her ear.  "There’s the DVD rack right there. Go ahead and pick out one you want to watch." I watched as she walked over and slid her hand against all of them. I saw her face light up before she pulled one of the rack.

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