Chapter Six

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*Zayn’s POV*

'Dear Boys,

I need some time to clear my head. Things have been too much for me lately and I know it's affecting you guys too. The girl today made me realize that I need to move on and I know that I'm messed up right now. This is my time to start over. Liam, make sure you look after the boys and don't let them get into too much trouble. Niall, don't get too down about this. Zayn, make sure you keep everyone as sane as possible. You have been here for me lately and I'm glad to have you. Louis - Top cabinet. I love you boys more than anything. Stay safe. 

-H xx'


*Harry's POV/ Night before*

"Harry? Why you calling this late, Mate?" I heard my childhood friend, Nathan ask.

"I was wondering if I could come stay with you for a bit. I know it's allot to ask but I need to leave."

"Harry I live in Australia now. Sydney, Australia." He said worriedly.

"That's okay. I just really need to get out of here. Please Nate?" It was silent for a couple seconds.

"Yeah, okay. When are you going to be here?"

"I'm getting the first plane I can over there." I said with a smile, before ending the call. I packed a suit case with everything I need and walked down stairs. I put the letter and the picture for Louis in the cabinet and walked out the door.

When I walked into the doors of the airport, I pulled a hoddie on and put a pair of Ray bands over my eyes. The woman at the front desk gave me a small smile as I approached her.

"Can I help you, sir?"

"Yes, Can I get a plane ticket for the next flight to Sydney, Australia?" She typed something up on her computer before looking back up at me.


"Harry Styles."

"Okay. The flight boards in six minutes. Go ahead and take your seat." She said smiling. I gave her the money and did as she asked. I hope the boys don't miss me too much. I just didn't know what to do besides leave. I hope they can somehow get over all of this and just forget.

"Flight to Sydney, Australia is boarding." I heard come over the speakers. I grabbed my suitcase and got ready for a twenty - one hour flight.

*Zayn’s POV*

"What do you mean he's gone, Zayn?" Liam asked.

"That's exactly what I mean, Liam. I came this morning to see how he was doing because he wasn't answering his cell. I knocked on the door a couple times and then I tried to open it. It was already unlocked and had a note on the table." I said a bit more rudely then I should have.

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