Dare 16 (Riddle School/ Transfer)

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Katty: Hey, readers.

Grace: We made up our own dare.

Rigby: Just to make us feel less sad.

Angie: But remember, for those who haven't played Riddle School/ Transfer, there are major spoilers.

Katty: Hey, Orders!!

(The two Orders walk in the room)

Magnus: Wut is it pervert?

Katty: New dare.

Jesse: What's the dare?

Grace: We get to meet the Riddle School crew cast!!

Ellegaard: Riddle, what?

Soren: Are we going to school?

Katty: No. We get to meet the cast.

Angie: And here they are!! *Snaps her fingers*

(A magical curtain appeared out of nowhere and it opened, revealing all the major characters in Riddle School Transfer)

The two Orders: O.O Wut da fak...

Phil: WOAH!! Where the heck am I?

Smiley: Who are these people?! And why are they blocky?!

Magnus: Why are you yellow?

Phil: Why are you bald?

Magnus: Why are YOU bald?

Gabriel: Hey, hey. No arguements please.

Katty: Ohmergosh, Phil, Smiley, Zack, Phred, Viz, Diz, Quiz. It's an honor to meet you.

Phil: *Looks at Viz, Diz, and Quiz* HOLY HELL!!! HOW ARE YOU THREE ALIVE?!?!



Quiz: I DID!!!

The Orders: *Covers their ears*

Katty: Hey, triplets. No screaming.

Axel: Kat? Why is that guy on fire? *Points at Zack*

Katty: Oh this is Zack, The Human Torch.

Axel: Cool!

Lukas: And who are these alien dudes?

Katty: This is Viz, Diz, and Quiz.

Viz: ...?

Diz: >:(

Quiz: :3

Lukas: Huh...Quiz looks like Sans from Undertale.

Sans: *His face smushed against the window* WHY DO YOU PEOPLE ALWAYS SAY THAT?!?!?

Lukas: Woah, chill.

Katty: Cause it's true.

Jesse: Hey Phil?

Phil: Hm?

Jesse: You like thinking logically?

Phil: Yees?

Jesse: I do, too!

Phil: Cool beans.

Petra: Hey Zack?

Zack: Yep?

Petra: Mind if you could heat up my tea? *Holds up a tea holder*

Zack: Uh...sure?

Petra: *Holds up Tea holder under Zack's flaming head*

Olivia: Amazing!

Soren: Soo...Viz and Diz?

Viz: What is it?

Soren: Are you two dating?

Viz and Diz: O/////O NO!!

Magnus and Ellegaard: OOOOHHH!!!!

Gabriel: Phred kinda looks like me.

Magnus: If you were bald. Hehe.

Gabriel: You're bald too, Magnus.

Magnus: ...

Ellegaard and Soren: *Arguing about Ship names*

Magnus: The fangirl and fanboy fight has started.

Gabriel: Heh lol.

Jess: *Walks up to Quiz*

Quiz: Hm?

Jess: You look like my friend, Sans.

Sans: *In the background, giving Jess an angry hand gesture*

Katty: *Laughing in the background*

Phil: Wait a second.

Everyone: *Stops what they were doing*

Phil: How are Viz, Diz, and Quiz still alive?

Phred: We froze Viz then an astreode (Sorry forgot spelling) hit his ship.

Phil: Then Diz turned evil and Quiz had to use the self destruct button in order to kill him but he had to die too.

Grace: Yeah, that was really sad.


Katty: ...Magic.

Angie: We can't let you three die.

Rigby: Too sad for us.

The Orders: *I have no idea what's going on face*

Jesse: Wait. Diz is evil?

Soren: AHHH!!! Someone get him!!!

Rueben: *Rams into Diz*

Katty: Rueben! Down!

Rueben: Oink (But he's evil)

Angie: I still believe he's good.

Magnus: ...Could we just end this dare?

Petra: No way! I wanna see what else these dudes could do!

Katty: Uh..okay. We'll just be outside.

(Katty, Grace, Rigby, and Angie goes outside the door)

Axel: What's this whistle? *Picks up a whistle*

Phil: Wait, No! Don't blow the whistle-

Axel: *Blows the whistle*

Everyone except Axel and Phil, and the ones outside: *Screams in agony, then passes out*

Axel: Woah...

Phil: I told you.

(The ones outside, rushes inside)

Katty: What in the hell is going on in here?!

Katty, Grace, Rigby, Angie: *Sees everyone but Axel and Phil, passed out*

Rigby: Da fuck...?

Angie: Why is everyone sleeping on the floor?

Katty: *Bursts out laughing*

Grace: *Scratching her head, irritatedly*

Rigby: I really think we should end this dare.

Axel and Phil: Agreed.

Grace: *Sighs* Remember to leave a vote if you enjoyed.

Katty: *Still laughing* BYE!! Haha!!!

~Camera Static~

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