Dare 8 (Best of Both Worlds)

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Katty: We got a new darer and Dare!

Mischka: And the dare is...

"I dare, Magnus to sing 'the best of both worlds' by Hannah Montana in his underwear but he has to wear the wig!"


Katty: Got it *Holds up an extra camera*

Mischka: GET IN HERE ORDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ivor: *Peeking at the door* What?!

Mischka: New dare!

Ivor: *Groans* HEY!!! WE GOT A NEW DARE!!

(Order walks in)

Gabriel: For the first time in forever! I heard Ivor shout!

Ivor: It's not the first time, you idiot.

Gabriel: Sorry, geez.

Mischka: *Gives everyone the dare*

Everyone: *Reads the dare*

Magnus: OH HELL NAW!!!

Ellegaard: Oh hell, yes!

Katty: I'm sorry Magnus...*Tries to hold her laughter* But...pfft here's your wig. *Gives magnus his wig*

Magnus: Uh...*Takes the wig*

Ellegaard: What's the matter? I thought you wanted hair lol

Magnus: It's not that. I wanted brown hair...

Everyone except Magnus: *Bursts out laughing* BWUAHHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!

Magnus: Shaddup....*Shuts up*

Katty: *Stops laughing* Hey, start singing!

Magnus: *Shakes his head, then turns away crossing his arms*

Katty: What, not talking?

Magnus: *Nods his head, still crossing his arms*

Ellegaard: Aw..But someday...we'll get ya to sing!

Magnus: *Hold up a sign* "I doubt it"

Mischka: Oh well, I guess he doesn't wanna sing. Guess we gotta end this chapter...

~Camera static~

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