Katty's crush (Truth or Dare game)

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"I dare everyone to play Truth or Dare"

Katty: Sound easy enough.

Grace: I'll go call the others... *Walks away*

Rigby: I'll just wait here *Standing on the TV*

Katty: *Sighs then leans on the wall*

~Once everyone is there, they start playing~

Soren: Magnus, truth or dare?

Magnus: Hm..Truth.

Soren: Who do you love? Grace or Ellie?

Magnus: Both.

Soren: Pick only one.

Magnus: Now that's tough...um...

Grace: (Please pick me)

Ellegaard: (Pick me, Maggie)

Magnus: My Foot.

Katty: *Snorts then snickers behind everyone*

Magnus: Katty?

Katty: *Stops* What?

Magnus: Truth or Dare?

Katty: Truth.

Magnus: Do you like Ivor? *Wiggles eyebrows*

Katty: *Blinks then lightly blushes*

Soren: Is that a blush I see?

Katty: No! Stfu, I'm leaving. *Leaves*

Grace: Woah...

Rigby: Yikes...

Ivor: Um...I'm gonna work on my potions....bye. *Runs away*

Everyone: *Shrugs then continues playing*

~Outside the room~

Katty: Holy shit holy shit holy shit....What the hell is wrong with me... *Pacing back and Forth*

Ivor: Um...Katty?

Katty: *Jumps a little then turns around* Oh..Hey Ivor. What's up?

Ivor: Why did you bail a while ago?

Katty: I...I...None of your business.

Ivor: Tell me, Katty.

Katty: What if I wont?

Ivor: Then I'll make you.

Katty: *Sighs* I was having a panic attack, okay?

Ivor: But you never have any panic attacks?

Katty: Well I had one, there!

Ivor: Oh...okay then...*Turns around then walks away*

Katty: Wait.

Ivor: *Turns around* What?

Katty: Forgive me *Presses her lips onto Ivor's lips*

Ivor: *His eyes widen*

Katty: *Lets go* I'm sorry.

Ivor: *Pulls Katty into another smooch*

Katty: *Returns the smooch*

The Two: *Beginning to make out*

Rigby: I'll be back guys, I'll just get Ka- What. The. Fuck. *Sees Katty and Ivor making out*

The two: *Lets go of the Kiss, then smiles at each other*

Rigby: I'm gonna puke... *Walks away*

~Inside the room, with everyone~

Ellegaard: Okay, Grace truth or da- WHAT IN THE WORLD!!!

Ivor and Katty: *Walks in, holding hands*

Grace: Um...what the heck just happened out there?

Angie: *Crawls in, then see Katty holding Ivor's hand* Moma?

Magnus: *Fake cough* So Ivor's gonna be you're....ye know?

Katty: Let's see.

Ellegaard: My new ship: Ivy

Soren: No, it should be: Kavor

Ellegaard: IVY!!!

Soren: KAVOR!!!

Magnus: Fangirl/boy fight!!!!

Grace: I think we should end this dare now.

~Camera static~

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