Angie, Grace, and Rigby

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Katty: *Playing Minecraft*

(Knock at the door)

Katty: How could that be? *Sighs*

(Answers door)

Katty: *Shocked*

Grace and Rigby: HI SIS!!! *Tackles Katty*

Katty: *Gets tackled but pushes them off* Hey guys, what are ya doin' here?

Grace: Well, the three of us missed you so we wanted to visit you.

Rigby: You seem to here?

Katty: *Whispers* Alot, yes.

(Jesse peeks through the other door frame)

Jesse: Who's that Kat? *Points at Rigby and Angie*

Katty: *Slowly turns around* O.o' brother and little sister.

(In the main hall, with everyone inside)

Gabriel: So let me get this straight, you have two sisters and one brother?

Katty: Correct.

Lukas: Cool.

Angie: *Cuddles next to Katty*

Katty: *Hugs Angie*

Ellegaard: Um..Are you sure Angie is just your sister? She looks alot like you.

Katty: *Cold sweat* Um..yeah?

Ellegaard: *Shrugs*

Grace: *Sits down between Magnus and Rigby*

Magnus: *Looks at Grace*

Grace: *Looks at Magnus, then waves* Hi! Nice to meet you again.

Magnus: *Slightly blushes*

Rigby: *Notices Magnus blush and Grace talking to him* >:( *Jealous*

Rigby: *Notices Magnus blush and Grace talking to him* >:( *Jealous*

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Angie: *Falls asleep on Katty and Lukas' lap*

Lukas: Aw! *Strokes Angie's hair*

Katty: *Notices* Hey! *Slaps Lukas' hamd away* No touchies!

Lukas: *Rubs his hand* Ouch..

Angie: *Sleeping* ...*Cuddles Katty* ..Mommy...

Everyone except Grace, Rigby, and Katty: WHAT?!?!?! O.O

Katty: Oh shit..I'm screwed..

Lukas: ...Angie..

Jesse: ...Is...

Olivia: ...Your..

Petra: ...Daughter?!

Grace and Rigby: *Facepalm*

Katty: *Sighs* ...yes...

Soren: O.o Gaaah..*Passes out*

Ivor: Someone pinch me...

Magnus: O_O How is that even possible....

Ellegaard and Olivia: *Fangirling*

Petra: Holy.Crap...

Katty: ...

Grace: Eh..

Rigby: *Glaring at everyone*

Rigby: *Glaring at everyone*

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Katty: Grace...Rigby?

Grace: Yo?

Katty: You two are joining the Book...

Grace and Rigby: Okay.........So?

Katty: You two are my assistants.

Rigby: YES!

Grace: Okay?

Angie: *Awakes* What's goin' on?

Katty: Nothing baby..*Pats the head of Angie*

Magnus: Can I hold her?

Rigby: No.

Katty: *Gives a "R U serios" Face at Rigby*

Grace: *Elbows Rigby*

Rigby: *Gets Elbowed by Grace* Grr...fine! *Crosses his arms*

Magnus: *Picks up Angie*

Rigby: You better be careful, ya..*Whispers* Motherfucker...

Ellegaard: Let me hold her! *Grabs Angie from Magnus*

Ellegaard: Aww! *tickles Angie*

Angie: *Giggles*

Grace: *Stares at Elegaard* .../:1...

Katty: Stay tune for more dares and asks!

~Camera static~

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