
101 41 14

Louis Tomlinson

"Louis, get out of the fucking bathroom!" Cassie groans from the opposite side of the wooden door. I roll my eyes at her childish behavior and pick up my metal razor, trying to zone her out.

This is my time in the bathroom, and I want to spend it as wisely as possible.

Well, sure, I supposed we are on break, but sometimes having even a bit of stubble on my chin sets my teeth on edge for the entire night.

Another bang at the door makes me jump, almost dropping the razor on my foot in the process. Gritting my teeth, I finally give up. I shove it back into my travel-sized toiletry backpack hopelessly, as something green catches my eye. I lift the bag and inspect it; the thing is attached to the extra blades to my razor.

A sticky note.


It's probably a note from my mom to remind me not to forget something.

Just like the good old days.


Lost in memories, I sling the backpack over my shoulder and creak open the door to face Cassie's wrath.

"Fine, fine! I'm done, happy now?" I raise my hands in surrender, expecting her to give me an eyeroll, but the only thing I see is a golden strand of Cassie's hair before the bathroom door slams shut.

"Looking good, Louis!"

I turn to face the other young girl, my half-sister, grinning slightly at me. I have to admit, she is quite beautiful, which I assume is what Niall first saw in her.

Luckily, as it turned out, she wasn't a stuck-up, bratty teenager like Liam and I originally thought. She was kind, generous, and thoughtful, everything we thought Niall could ever need.

As the memories continue to flood in, I am reminded of one of my most crucial dates with Eleanor,  just two years ago. I recall Anna carefully planning everything out for me in hopes that Eleanor and I's relationship wasn't completely ruined, and I must say that it went perfectly.

Before leaving, I remember worrying nonstop, not knowing if Eleanor would accept my apology or not; needing Anna to reassure me that I looked okay and presentable. As you may already know, I'm not the type of guy who usually worries about that stuff.

Or anything, to be precise.

It was actually quite embarrassing, if I'm reminiscing correctly. But thanks to Anna, Eleanor and I patched everything up that day. Our relationship lasted for a whole year and a half after, but I guess it fell apart sometime after that.

And now Anna's eighteen, Eleanor's twenty-three, and I'm twenty-four; without her by my side.

Where did the time go?

"Thanks, love." I muster a smile and she nods. She ruffles up my hair a bit like that one night and slowly walks away, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Anna must know I'm suffering on the inside, but is careful not to mention it until I'm ready.

The only thing I love right now is having her as a sister. Well, part-sister.

But it counts for something... Right?

I pass by the couch where we watched the horror movie, still lost in thought. Anna has taken a seat with Niall on the couch, clearly exhausted. She planned out this entire trip while we were on tour down to the very last detail, trying to ensure that everyone would have a great time. Her eyes are closed, but Niall's are wide open. He's smiling slightly, like he can't believe his luck.

Niall grins at me as I walk past, simply enjoying the moment. I know Anna is awake, she always has trouble falling asleep at night, but she is clearly happy with him as well, cuddled against him for warmth.

I stand in my shared room, the feeling of envy creeping up into my mind. I can hardly remember the day when Niall admitted he was jealous of Eleanor and I's relationship almost three years ago.

Those days are clearly over.

As I unpack my belongings, the mysterious note sticks out yet again, and out of curiousity I pick it up. I wonder what I've forgotten this time.

Instead, in the handwriting I know so well, is a very confusing message that makes me nearly pass out in shock.

Dear Louis,

There are a few reasons why I left you. This is only one clue.

Maybe you'll find the others, I don't know. But I know you well enough. If you were daring enough to open this, I'll bet you will be hit with shock and try to track me down.

But I'd ask you to please leave me alone and don't try to find me. Wherever I am, I'm safe. Don't worry about me and please don't think twice about why I left.

Take this to the police. Hopefully they'll be able to make some sense of it. But I'll most likely be gone before they figure it out.

Just wanted to say a final good-bye and hopefully set this world straight.

I love you, I honestly do. But I had to leave. I'm sorry.


Eleanor Calder xx

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