
136 46 13

Cassie Evans

How is it possible for someone to spend half an hour in the bathroom?

Louis, you seriously need to learn the best five-minute hairstyles, I reprimand him in my mind, picturing his defensive expression.

Well, what about you? He would reply snarkily. You take more time than I do.

Yes, but I'm a girl, I would argue back, smirking at him, is there something you're not telling us, Louis?

I smile at the thought of finally winning one of our arguments, but it slowly fades.

Where is that stupid medicine, anyways?

I groan, rummaging through my small cosmetics bag. But I soon figure out that I can't find that little pill package even if I tried.

Finally, I eye the package in a peculiar spot, on the top shelf.

I never would have put it there. The shelf is way too high out of my reach.

But it must be mine; I don't know anyone else with my condition.

I stand on the sink to get the container, instantly wishing I had Harry's height. Or, even Louis's would do; as he already probably figured out.

In victory, my palm grasps the box of pills in one hand and the solid marble in the other. Examining the required dosage on the back, I see yet another green stickytab.

I pull it off and examine the contents, only to find that it is not, indeed, mine.

A light green sticky tab is taped ever so carefully to the back and I don't hesitate to read a few words.


You left me to fend for myself, Louis. Don't ever make the same mistake, with any girl. Ever.

- E

What the hell?

Louis Tomlinson

Green. Green. Green.

All I can see is that horrific color. It gives me a disgusting form of nausea.

But then again, I can't escape. I open my eyes to find myself trapped in a claustrophobic room with solid green walls, the exact shade of Eleanor's note.

I slam my leg against one wall, my arm against another. They are tough and hard, but not enough to hurt me.

But I can't give up.

I wasn't trained to just give up.

Suddenly, Niall's favorite color has turned into a nightmare in my eyes.

I continue to fight against the getting-smaller space, but I already know that my energy is being wasted.

"Now you know how I feel, Louis." Eleanor whispers from somewhere behind me.

"Eleanor!" I exclaim, reaching out to her gratefully.

Thank God she's here.

But as I wrap my arms around her to comfort the both of us, she won't budge.

Her figure is rather ghostly, pale and plain. She never was a fan of standing out, but this is different.

Scary, even.

"How are we going to get out of here?" I ask her, beginning to sense something out of place.

For example, where even are we?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2017 ⏰

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