"Art is next. I heard that we're gonna get a project." She trailed off and I looked at her suspiciously as we entered art, heading straight for our seats in front of our canvas.

"Are you okay? You don't seem like the Rachel that's usually always smiling and laughing." I stated matter of factly looking straight at her.

"I'm fine," she said but sounded very distant.

Just as I was about to speak up, Mr. Clifford stood up in the middle of the class, silencing the us. "Right my fantastic artists! I am assessing you on your imaginations. I would like you to draw or paint me a feeling that you have, but this emotion needs some type of a story behind it. I'm giving you until next week Monday for you to complete it, so get started." He smiled and I immediately turned my head to Rachel, carrying on our conversation from earlier. "Don't lie," I hissed.
"I can tell that something is bothering you." She turned to look at me and, oh gosh, did I just see jealousy cross her face? I turned to look to the other end of the class, only to see that she was glaring at Charlie and sir as they were really close to each other. I looked back at my friend to see her face was blank. "You..." I started but she waved me off, flicking her blonde hair out of her face. "Just, leave it" she said, tying to ignore him.

I turned to my blank canvas, I was really confused and worried about her.


I slammed my locker door shut and walked beside Rachel, walking her to her own locker. I peered down at my watch to check the time, noticing that I was about 10 minutes late for detention.
"Shit. Rache, I gotta go. I have detention."I rushed and she gasped playfully, "you naughty girl. Who is it with?" she questioned but I just gave her a look that said the obvious, causing her to gasp. I just laughed and gave her a quick hug before I ran off.

By the time I got to Mr. Irwin's class I was really sweaty and my uniform was messy. I spent about 5 minutes trying to calm my breathing and fix my uniform before walking in.

"You're late." Mr. Irwin said, not looking up from his computer screen.
"Sorry, I won't be do it again." I said.

I was about to sit down in a desk when he spoke up making me freeze in place. "Did I say that you could sit?" I stared at him, his eyes finally staring straight into mine and not on the screen. He stood up and walked towards me.

"I - uh - what?" I stumbled at his question as he started walking towards me.

He smirked and my breath hitched. I prayed so hard that he didn't notice, but he did. He smirked at me and walked even closer, making me walk back.
"You seem.... I don't know, nervous?" My back hit the wall and my heart rate immediately sped up. "N-nervous? Ha no, of course not." How could I lie like that? I was fucking nervous. Mr. Irwin was now right in front of me, only he was so close that I could feel him breathing on me. He moved his hands above my head, placing one on either side. I was only a little bit shorter than him- up to his chin, so he had to kind of lean down to reach my height, looking straight into his eyes. He bit his lip hard as he looked at me intently and fuck was he hot! He leaned in real close, so close our lips were practically millimeters a part making my heart rate pick up.
"Why do you do this to me? I mean, really? Why do you have to be-" there was a knock on the door and he pulled away quickly, making me frown at the loss of his presence. Why did people always have to ruin a good moment?
I groaned and went to sit in my seat as Mr. Irwin opened the door to Mr. Hood and Mr. Hemmings.
They barged inside and started jabbering. "Today's been so long and then you have to go and take your bloody time!" Mr. Hemmings moaned. "Urgh, why do you always take you're time Ash? You know I always look forward to... Oh."
Mr. Hood stared at me confused as to why I was here. He knew how much of a goody-too-shoes I was and was pretty surprised when Mr. Irwin told them I was in detention. Mr. Hemmings wasn't shocked at all because he didn't really like me, he actually kind of hated me.
I coughed getting uncomfortable from them staring making their heads snapped to anywhere but me. Mr. Irwin looked at the other two teachers with irritation. He sighed and dismissed me, telling me to just go home.
Well that was ... Weird.

As soon as I got home, I called Rachel and told her exactly what happened.

"What! Oh my gosh, that's so awesome... Do you think he might have a thing for you though?"

"Maybe, even if he did I wouldn't be able to date him because he is a teacher and mom would-"
I stopped as I heard a crash coming from the TV room.

I sighed and spoke into the phone again, "Okay, well mom is up and I have to check on her to see if she's fine."

"Yeah, sure."
As I was about to put down the phone she spoke up.

"Um, I'm sorry about the way I acted in art today, it's just I didn't feel myself and... Yeah", I could hear that she wasn't lying but wasn't telling me the full truth either but I knew that now wasn't the time to ask.

"Nah, dude it is chilled. I really need to go now though. Love you."
I didn't wait for her to respond and cut the call, running out to go check up on mom.

I went straight to the kitchen and saw her sprawled out on the floor, giggling.
Ever since dad started abusing mom, she started drinking everyday and it helped her to feel less pain when dad hit her. I was pretty young, about 5 when that happened and not long after I turned 7, he left. Mom never did stop drinking though since she became addicted.

I sighed and bent down to pick her up. She mumbled something and started laughing as I held her tiny frame next to mine, her arm around my shoulder, helping her walk to her room that was a mess. I lay her down on the bed, tucking her in.
I turned to leave but moms small voice stopped me, causing me to turn and face her.
"Did you meet any boys today?"
I walked to her bed and sat down beside her, moving her fringe out from her sweaty face.
"No." I said plainly. Mom opened her eyes a bit and smiled a small smile.
"Good. I don't want you to ever make the mistake I did and get hurt." She said softly, as she now caressed my cheek.
Her hand was so warm and I couldn't help myself but to lean into her touch. Tears formed in my eyes as I was afraid of losing her. She was the only one I had from my family: the only person that really cared, no matter how much she drank. She was the one that always protected me and that actually raised me to the girl I am today.
"Mom?" I asked, warily.
"Yes darling?" She questioned back.
"Um- well you see, I- I know of a gir- you know what? It's fine," I smiled to her and got up. Mom looked at me confused but I shrugged it off. I leaned down and kissed her on the forehead, walking out the room after saying goodnight.

I know I was wrong to just leave her there and not tell her about my problems but I had no other choice. She couldn't find out about this.


So how'd you guys think of it? I hope it was good.
Let me know if you guys want another chapter!

-Tiffany xx

In Love With My Teacher - Ashton IrwinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora