Twenty One (pilots)

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{One Year Later at Prom}

"Oh my god okay let me fix your bowtie please." Melanie stands on her tiptoes and tightens Dallon's tie. She smiles and adjusts it. "There! You're all ready for the big day!"

"Are you sure? I'm scared." He replies nervously, fixing the cuffs of his dress shirt.

"Yep. Now stop messing with those before you fuck them up more." She smiles, slapping his hands away. Dallon chuckles and takes a deep breath, stepping into the bathroom to see Brendon getting ready.

"You're beautiful, you know that?" Dallon comes up behind Brendon and hugs him.

"Of course I do. But you're more beautiful than I'll ever be." Brendon turns and kisses him, moving the hair out of his eyes.

"Whatever." Dallon responds, chuckling. He lets go and backs up, fixing up the rest of his outfit. "You ready?"

"Hell yeah."


Dallon pulls up to the high school with everyone in the small car. He takes a deep breath, letting everyone get out with their dates.

Josh is with Tyler, Jack is with Alex, Patrick is with Pete, and Melanie somehow won over Ashley. And of course, Hayley is all alone as usual.

Dallon makes his way out of the car and opens Brendon's car door, helping him out and holding his hand. They glance at each other and both walk into the school, hand in hand. They could care less about what anyone thinks because this is their night. Their time to be the couple they've always wanted to be.

They went from a bunch of questioning, awkward teens who never even knew each other's name to the cutest couple in the school. I guess everything does work out.

And this time, Dallon isn't even being awkward.


Yes this is the last chapter. Thank you to everyone who has read, commented, and voted on this. Props to k1mb34rly simply because she's awesome and pushed me to make quite a few of the chapters. This is probably my favorite fic that I've written. Anyways, happy ending bc literally every other fanfic makes everyone want to cry. Thanks for being active.

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