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"Damn Dallon back at it again with the gayness."

"I swear to fucking god if I hear that one more time I will chug a gallon of bleach."

"Just do it!"


Mel, Hayley, and Patrick laugh. Patrick and Hayley are swinging while Mel, Tyler, and Dallon are sitting on the slides.

"You two would be a really cute couple, to be honest." Hayley says with a big smile.

"Ew no!" Tyler and Dallon yell in unison, blushing.

"Oooh you're blushing!" Mel jumps up and yells, pointing.

"Shut up..." Tyler mumbles.

Dallon rolls his eyes. "If you two kiss, me and Tyler will kiss."

"Deal." Hayley jumps off the swing and open mouth kisses Mel. Mel reciprocating the kiss.

"Oh my god nope." Tyler stands up and begins to walk away.

"No we promised, Tyler!" Dallon yells, following him. Tyler sighs and turns around, Dallon bending down slightly and quickly kissing Tyler.

"Happy now?!" Tyler yells.

"YOU TWO ARE SO CUTE!" Hayley squeals, both of them giggling. Meanwhile, Patrick is back there on his phone and swinging.

"Shut up, Hayley..." Tyler mumbles again and sits on the slide. Mel walks over to Patrick and rips his phone from his hands, running off.

"Hey give that back!" He yells, jumping off the swing and running after Mel.


"MEL!" Patrick screams while chasing after her.

Melanie stops and falls on the grass, laughing hysterically. Patrick stops, wheezing because of his asthma.

"I. Swear. To. God." Patrick rips his phone out of Mel's hands and closes it, sliding it in his pocket as he tries to catch his breath.

"You guys are idiots." Hayley says as she sits back on the swing. Melanie is still dying of laughter in the grass. Patrick sighs and sits back on the swing.

"Oh shit." Tyler mumbles.

"What?" Dallon replies.

"Mel and I's math teacher gave us homework..."

Mel's laughing slowly fades out as she remembers about the homework, "Oh fuck."

Mel jumps up and Tyler stands, "GOTTA BLAST." Ty yells as they both run off to their homes.

Patrick giggles and stops the swing. "Yeah, I better get home. I'm exhausted."

"Same." Hayley says. "Cya around, Dal.

"Cya." Dallon says as he stands up and begins to walk home.


"I told you to get the dishes done!" He hears his dad screaming from downstairs. Dallon puts on his headphones to hopefully distract from the noise. Until he hears his mother scream.

He jumps up and runs downstairs, seeing his mother on the floor with a big red mark on her cheek, his dad standing up above her.

"Fuck off!" Dallon yells, getting his dad's attention.

"What did you just say to me? What the hell did you just say to me, young man?!" His dad yells as he walks over to Dallon, dropping his briefcase.

"Fuck off. Mom forgot to wash the dishes. That isn't something worth slapping her for. Nothing is, in fact."

"I've told her THREE TIMES today!"

"That still isn't a valid reason to fucking slap her."

His dad sighs angrily, "The woman is supposed to do the housework and what the man tells her to. The man is supposed to make money."

"I fucking swear to god you are the most sexist, self-centered person to exist on this goddamn planet."

"Oh yeah?! Well there's sure as hell a reason why you're a virgin and you don't have a girlfriend!"

"...First of all, those many times you told me to go fuck myself, I have. And I enjoyed it. Second, I don't want a girlfriend."

"Well you need someone to make your food. And I sure as hell didn't raise a faggot."

Dallon clears his throat, putting his hands in his pocket, "About that..."

His father's face goes from anger to disgust to disappointment in a matter of seconds.

Dallon fucked up big time.

Tag, You're It ⚣ Brallon Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz