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"Holy shit he actually said he enjoyed talking to you?!" Melanie says with overwhelming enthusiasm

"Uh, y-yeah." Dallon laughs uncomfortably as Melanie jumps up and down.

"Holy shit dude you actually might have a chance with him!"

"I doubt it, honestly."

"Watch, he's actually a flaming homosexual and he comes onto you first." Tyler joins in.

Dallon laughs and fixes his hair a bit, "I hope so."

Melanie turns around to see the drama teacher in the door way. She's got the sides of her head shaved and little gaps in her eyebrow.

"Hello students. Take a seat and we'll introduce ourselves and whatever." She says with a slight lisp. Everyone files to the seats. There's no actual desks, it's just couches and benches.

"My name is Miss Gunnulfsen. But call me Miss Gunn or Lynn or whatever you wanna call me I honestly don't care."

The whole class chuckles.

"So, we'll start in the back and move foward." She smiles and sits on the table in the front of the room, signaling Tyler to start.

He stands awkwardly and begins talking, "I'm, uh, Tyler. I've done acting and drama stuff since I was... five? Yeah, about then."

He sits back down and takes a deep breath. He usually gets nervous when he talks to groups of more than three people because he's got crippling social anxiety. But acting is his way out of that because he gets to be a different person for a little bit.

Melanie stands and smiles, playing with the end of her frilly, pink skirt. "I'm Melanie, Mel for short. And I love basically anything to do with makeup and costumes." She sits down and taps Dallon shoulder, in which he stands up.

"I'm, uh, Dallon. And I like set design and some acting, even though I'm not the best." He sits back down and the next kid stands up to talk.

"I'm PatrIck," his voice cracks and his cheeks go into a dark red, "oops, and I like directing stuff and working on the sounds." He sits back down on the stool and sighs, tapping the next teen's shoulder.

"Hi! I'm Hayley and I love acting. Especially as the lead role." She winks at the teacher and giggles, sitting down.

The next few kids introduce themselves and Miss Gunn stands up, nodding. "You all seem like a fun bunch to work with." She smiles and fixes her hair a bit, turning to the whiteboard and opening a marker.

"So, what should we start with? Hmmm..." She sighs and turns around. "Honestly I thought we were gonna spend all period introducing ourselves but the class is smaller than I thought."

The class chuckles and Tyler speaks up, "Could we just, um, mingle around with everyone for the period?"

"Well we have nothing else to do so I guess." She says with smile, sitting on the table and letting the teenagers stand up and move around to talk to others.

Patrick and Hayley approach us and sit on the bench across from us.

"Hey! I love your hair, by the way." Hayley says to Mel.

"Oh, thanks. Yours is nice, too. What dye did you use? That color is amazing..." Mel stands and sits by Hayley.

"I, uh, hi guys." Patrick says to Tyler and I.

"Hey. Uh, wanna sit?" Tyler points to the seat where Melanie was, which is in the middle of Tyler and Dallon.

"Sure!" Patrick smiles and takes a seat, looking between us. Hayley looks over and sits on Patrick's lap.

"So, what do you like to do, Patrick?" Mel says.

"I usually spend all my time playing video games and trying to learn instruments."

"Oooh. What kind?"

"Guitar, mostly. I'm pretty good at it."

"Cool! I wanna see it some time."

"Yeah, maybe you guys and stuff could come over and hang out." He smiles, seeming really excited that someone actually takes interest in him.

"We're free whenever. We all live our lives on Tumblr so we have nothing else to do." Mel giggles and sits criss-cross in the bench across from the couch.

"I, uh, could I have your guys' numbers? I'll set up a group chat so we can all talk whenever."

"Oh, sure. Lemme grab a piece of paper and stuff real quick." Mel jumps up and walks over to the desk and writes down all of their numbers. She has all of them memorized for some unknown reason.

She skips over and puts the sticky note on his forehead, receiving a few giggles from the other teens. "I, uh, thanks. I'll add you after school."

"Cool, thanks Pat."

Hayley's face turns from a smile into the 'oh you just fucked up' face.

"Do. Not. Call. Me. Pat." Patrick says sternly, which is weird because he looks like a squish muffin.

"Oh my god okay." Mel says quickly. Dallon and Tyler laugh at Melanie's response, causing Mel to giggle.

"OH CRAP SCHOOLS OUT THE BELL DIDNT RING WHAT THE HELL?!" Lynn yells, making everyone giggle. They all stand and begin to head out of the classroom.

"Cya, Miss Gunn!" Mel says while she's being pushed out of the classroom by all of the other students.

"Cya, Mel!" Lynn says from the other side of the room.


"Hayley is kinda really cute, don't you think so?" Melanie exclaims with a ton of enthusiasm.


"Come on! She's adorable."

"Not my type, to be honest."


Dallon stops at his house and sighs, "I'll cya at school tomorrow. Cya Mel."

"Cya!" She skips down the road to her house, making Dallon chuckle. He walks up and opens the door, going to his room as fast as he can. He throws his backpack on the floor and jumps on his bed, opening his laptop and opening up a file filled with links to gay smut.

Just like any regular teenage boy would.

Tag, You're It ⚣ Brallon Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon