The figure

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A black figure sitting on a rock who seemed to be brushing thy hair

I call to the figure " Hello could you plz help me?"

Nearing closer I see that the figure was in fact a mermaid.

Her long blonde hair was being stroked as the figure it self sang a sad song in an unusual language.

Her shimmering tail was caught in between two  rocks.

I jump out of my boat as I do so she chucks her hairbrush away and struggles to get her tail out of the ledge. 

The nearer I come to her the more she panics 

Then I say " It's okay i 'll help you!"

I swim over and lift my body upon the sharp rocks, my stomach rubs sharply on the rocks. Tears over fill my eyes.

I pull out the fin and she swims off frantically.

A wave strongly heats my back knocking me onto the rocks making me dizzy

What was to come of me!

My heart races my lungs panting for air! And everything goes black and still!

I wake up what seems to be an hour later lying down on a cold rock.

I curl myself up and look around the room to find bare walls and rusted windows.

I grab hold of my feet but to my surprise they were not feet at all but fins.

Panicking I look around once more to look for any being

Suddenly I hear the rusted door turn and the being opens the door.

Floating before me was that same mermaid but how did I end up here?

Frightened I say " How did I get here and who are you!" as bubbles circulate in front of my mouth.

The mermaid replies " I am Merrisa!" " When you passed out I came back for hearing the splash and dove down and pulled you above the water before it was too late! " 

Confused i interrupt " But how did I get these?" i say while flicking around my tail

" Well, i gave you a potion above water on a nearby smooth rock which made you a temporary..."

I interrupt loudly " A mermaid so you mean I have become a mermaid!" " Why did you save me?"

The mermaid gently says " But didn't you help me?"

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