✿ For Hating Me You Sure Are Possessive - JadedRein

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For Hating Me You Sure Are Possessive - JadedRein


Logan is nothing like his brother Maver; Kara's best friend. He's straightforward, crude and just an over all menace. So, when Maver moves in with his brother, Kara isn't prepared for the trouble he starts to cause. With a complicated home life, a complaint worthy school atmosphere and Logan's added perviness Kara has her hands full. But the trouble Logan presents is just the beginning and Kara soon realizes that life's not everything she thought it was and maybe with some misguided help she'll find herself. Or maybe she'll just find even more trouble.

What I loved:

I really liked the way the author really drove the characters to be really real. I found I could connect with everything about this and I absolutely loved it. The idea, the plot and everything about this story was just amazing! 

Favorite Character/s:

I loved all the characters. I loved Logan!!! He was absolutely amazing and I can't even tell you how amazing I found him. (He's definitely one to Fan Girl about, I know I did) Anyway, all the characters; Kara and everything were all so great and I found this to be one of the best reads ever!!!

Great Job with this one! You're an amazing author JadedRein and I loved everything you put into this story and I am so thrilled to have enjoyed and loved it and have read every single page. Well done, voted for your book and good luck to you (: xx

Stay updated all of you who're reading this,

~Tess xx

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