✿ The Quirky Tale of April Hale - demonicblackcat

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 The Quirky Tale of Apil Hale - demonicblackcat


Self-proclaimed weirdo April Hale and the notorious troublemaker Ryder Black have been living side by side for more than ten years. Both never attempted to communicate with each other, but on the night Ryder Black is thrown out by his own father, he asks her a question that might change both of their lives:

“March, will you let me stay in your room?”

He even got her name wrong.

- A coming of age story about loss, the wonders of falling in love, and ultimately, pretending to be normal. Get inside April's distorted and yet humorous perspective, and watch as her tale unfolds into a shocking finish.

What I loved

What I really loved about this book was the way Cat portrayed the characters and their emotions. She was really able to create this seriously great plot and have all the characters really real! I loved this book so much and have been waiting ages to start writing a review on this book.

This tale was definitely quirky, but I loved April and Ryder and every character basically. I kept wanting to read more and found that every chapter I read became more and more intriguing as her writing progressed into such a beautiful flow.

Definitely read this book! It's one of The Best Reads on Wattpad and if you think you enjoy reading book that are amazing then go straight to read this! :)

Favourite character

This was such a hard descision to make, but honestly I loved both Ryder and April. Ryder had that attitude that I loved to see in a guy. But towards the end of the book he became more and more vulnerable as everything I read became so much more dramatic! Esspecially towards that last chapter where I was nearly in tears!

April was a great character because she had that realistic quality that usually reminded me of myself. I'm quite a lot like her in some ways but in other ways she had her own quality that I loved. At times she could be stubborn but other times she was funny and just such a great character! I loved this book, you all have to read it right now! :)

Well done Cat for making this amazing story. I hope you enjoy my review on your book and that everyone else reading this will now definitely read it! Great job, can't wait for another book from you as well. Your stories are so entertaining <3

~ Tessa x

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