✿ A Surreptitious Relationship - XxSkater2Girl16xX

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A Surruptitious Relationship - XxSkater2Girl16xX


Chris and Holly's relationship is finally perfect. With no gangs to harass them, the only thing they have to worry about it keeping their relationship a secret from the student body and faculity at school. Simple enough. However with the appearance of two new students, new troubles arise. The new girl isn't who she seems, but no one will believe Holly, and the new boy seems to enjoy causing Holly problems. Meanwhile Chris is finding it harder and harder to stay away from Holly in school. Keeping their relationship a secret suddenly becomes ten times harder. And to top it all off, Jeremy has a big surprise for every one.

What I loved:

EVERYTHING! This book was literally the most amazing book ever. I loved the characters, the idea, the plot and the way she has written it. I couldn't stand not reading it during the night and honestly, I sometimes found I was awake reading it at one in the morning! So good! It's an amazing Teen-Fiction and Romance story and is definitely in my top FIVE! You've got to read it if you are not part of the 19,448,092 (Number changes every day but on this aparent day it was that many read) people who have read this book then you better avert your eyes over and begin reading it ASAP! :)

Favourite Character:

Chris all the way to heaven and back! He was so nice to Holly and I dound their relationship to be very "Surreptitious" in deed! Such a beautiful and kiss-ass character to become very drawn to. He had always caught my attention right from the very first page he was introduced in! 


Thanks Jordan (XxSkater2Girl16xX) for being such an amazing writer We hope to see you spread your magical writing skills later in your correer! I can tell you will go far! Just to let everyone know, she is trying to get help from her fans to help self-publish her other book "A Prospective Relationship" and I bet she would LOVE for your help with that as well! 

~Ness xx

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