✿ The Night Walkers - Bookworm177

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The Night Walkers - Bookworm177


In the world of darkness, there truly is no one to trust... Sixteen-year-old Kit Stone has lived out her life as invisible as the shadows in the darkness, but she has since become unaware of the dangers that are constantly pursuing her, even as she hides away her fears wherever she goes. For Kit, there is no letting her guard down, especially when she goes to an Academy where everyone controls whatever she does and wherever she goes.

She is a Night Walker, something that shouldn't exist on earth but has for centuries and her kind are supposed to rid the world of evil. Then she faces an even more frightening secret about a species of Hybrid's that want to take over the world of the light and change everything into darkness.

Then she meets the gorgeous plot twist to her darkened, misunderstood world and his name is Levi Larkson. Could he be enough to help her out of this darkened place? Or will she be at the throat of danger as her life is plunged into unanswered questions as she works out her past and her future?

What I really liked:

What I really liked about this book was how the author really created an interetsing an unique plot! I loved the way she was able to buld this entire world and make it so impossibly good. It is written in third person but I really loved that about this book, it made everything a lot more descriptive.

Another thing I enjiyed was how good the characters were, right from the start I realized it was intriguing, mysteryious and unique. Definitely read this book!

Favorite Character:

As much as I loved Levi, I'm going to have to say that Kit is my favourite. Right from the start of this book I realized just how bad ass all her characters were, but Kit esspecially caught my attention. She is firerce and a great fighter, who doesn't love a girl who can fight free hand? I do!! :D

Check out this book everyone and I hope you look forward to the next as well <3

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