Chapter 4 - I Will Help You

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Chris POV

Robyn. Robyn. Robyn. She's the only cognisant thought in my head right now. I wonder if she's okay. When the phone cut out, I automatically thought the worst. What if her kidnapper caught her? What if he hurt her? Or raped her? Oh shit, now I'm really nervous. I'm so happy I got the address just in time. Now I'm driving on the highway like a crazy person trying to get to her. Please be okay.

I finally arrive at what Iooks like some old derelict warehouse. I walk through the door cautiously and find a bat at the entrance. Picking it up and positioning it in my hands, I feel like fucking killing whoever kidnapped her. The anger begins to boil up in me & I honestly don't know why. I only met her yesterday, I shouldn't feel this strongly about her, but there's just something she has. She's so fragile & I want to help, you know, I want to give her the protection and support she so badly needs.

All of a sudden, I hear this loud bang that breaks me out if my thoughts, running to the location of the sound I open the door, to see a big guy standing over Robyn. It doesn't really look like he's hurting her, more like intimidating her. I glance at Robyn and immediately feel like I failed at protecting her. I should have stayed close to her. She looks so weak and lifeless, her eyes are barely open.

I pushed the guy abrasively into a nearby wall, my arm holding him up by his chin and my other hand getting ready to swing that bat with all my force. 

"You're her kidnapper? Why the hell did you take her you fat fuck. She's scared shitless."

"I.. I" the guy stuttered.

"You better talk quick before I turn this brown bat red"

"Chris, it's okay" Robyn said weakly.

"It's not okay, don't worry you rest Robyn, I really don't want you to see this" I turned back to guy.

"I still don't hear words, you got 3 seconds. I'm a nice guy, but when I'm pissed, that's a side you really don't want to see". I started the countdown.


Chris" Robyn shouted

"3" I picked up the bat getting ready to fuck him up.

"Wait, wait" the guy shouted.

"Talk fast, don't stutter" I said with a blank expression.

"I'm sorry, I, it's, I mean..."

He began to stutter so I banged his head into the wall behind him without hesitation.

"No stuttering, now talk".

He groans out in pain before regaining his composure and talking.

"I was paid to do this. My friend introduced me to a guy named Jason. He said I could get 100,000 for a simple job of kidnapping that girl, told me where she lives, her regular hangout spots. I was only supposed to keep her here for a couple of days until he got out of prison. I was only supposed to scare her. Jason gave me alot of money for it. I'm sorry"

I stood there for a few seconds taking in the information. Jason's, Robyns ex, right? Shit. She's gonna be terrified. I turned around looking at Robyn who was already staring at me silently crying.

"He comes out in days. I'm a dead girl walking Chris".

I walked over to her and embraced her in a secure hug. I kissed her forehead and whispered in her ear "It's okay Rob, you're gonna be fine. I'll make sure of that". Out of nowhere she grabbed me tight, hugging my chest "I'm so happy I have you" she said barely above a whisper. I just smiled wide.

Turning my attention back to her kidnapped that looked scared as hell.

"Come here" I said to him, resulting in him cautiously walking over.

"Listen here you fat fuck, I want to beat you're ass so bad you're eyeballs bleed, butte now I think you're useful. You do a favour for me, & I won't beat ya ass. Deal or no deal.

"Yeah, deal" he said without any thought.

"Good, now what you're gonna do is tell Jason that everything's going to plan. Rob's here at this warehouse and she'll be here when he gets out. You call me when he's on his way here & I'll get here within minutes. Lock him in this room & I'll take care of the rest when I arrive. Now, if you get any funny ideas and don't stick to this plan, I'll find you & I'll be pissed. You know what that means, you might need an ambulance on standby".

"I, um, I understand. I'll do it" The man stuttered. Shit, he's scared of me yet he's twice the size of me.

I helped Robyn off the ground still shocked that she was almost naked. I had to hold that anger in otherwise her fat ass kidnapper would have got beat so bad. Truth is, after everything Robyn went through, I didn't want to show her that side of me. She's in a very dark place and I don't want her to think I'm like her ex, Jason.

Robyn silently cried as we walked towards the exit. I stopped & took off my big hoodie, putting it over her instead & zipping it up. Seeing her like this is really upsetting me.

"Robyn, are you okay? Did he hurt you or touch you". She simply shook her head. I breathed a sigh of relief. Thank God. I still feel like she's hurting though and I want to help. She looks so broken, so empty. I walked her to my car, we got in and just sat in silence for a moment. I'm wondering how I'm going to talk to her about this. I need to know what happened.

"Rob, what happened? You look so broken". I gently held her hand. "I want you to know that you can tell me anything. I just want you to be okay" 

She immediately burst into tears sobbing lowly. "I was so scared Chris. I woke up without my clothes feeling empty and hollow. What if that happens again? I can't. I just can't. And when I had a panic attack, I felt so helpless without my pump. It was a horrible feeling. Not to mention Jason's coming out of prison soon. What am I going to do? My life's just a big mess, where do I even start picking up the pieces Chris?" She was crying hysterically at this point. I really didn't know what else to do but comfort her. I wrapped my arms around her torso, squeezing her lightly. "It's going to be okay, you're going to be okay. I will help you get through this". She smiled weakly and wiped her tears before crawling over to where I was sat at the drivers seat and wrapping her hands around my neck. She straddled me and laid her head on my chest. Damn, she feels so good in my arms. I kissed her forehead, before she looked up at me and into my eyes sensually. She leaned forward slowly and attached her lips to mine ever so softly. Shit, I couldn't help but kiss her back.

Okay, I feel like the first half of this chapter was good and the rest was bs. I just came back from work, then started writing this instantly so I was very tired. I'm a perfectionist so I don't know if I'm just overanalysing. Don't forget feedback! Leaving a simple comment or vote is fine ❤️.

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