Patricia congratulated Calum, and so did Dave. Calum was a mess of nerves. Once the meeting was over, Calum and I walked together towards the elevator. He wasn't saying a word, simply looking down at his shoes.

The elevator doors opened, we both stepped inside. I clicked the button to the lobby, and the doors closed. We passed by two floors and Calum still wasn't talking.

We passed another floor. Still nothing.

By the time we passed the fifth floor I couldn't take it anymore. Before I could think my actions through, my arm extended and my finger pushed the emergency stop button.

The elevator halted, and the lights dimmed a bit. There was no alarm sound, just as I expected. I knew the alarm was a separate button.

"Gosh, Luke." Calum leaned against his side. "How cliché. If you wanted to make out with me, all you had to do was ask."

"I'm an actor, I like being dramatic. Don't get cocky." I scoffed. Calum actually chuckled a bit, finally turninh to look at me.

"When did you.." I trailed off, playing with my lip ring. Calum understood what I was trying to ask. He sat on the floor, taking a deep breath.

"If you're asking when I figured out I was bisexual, I think I've known for quite a while. Even before you and I kissed." Calum's legs were extended, arms on either side of him. "If you're asking when I decided to finally start coming out, it was just a few days ago."

I decided to sit down beside him, a few inches of space between us. I listened as he continued to talk. "I didn't even think about wanting to kiss Kayla at first, you know." Calum said, his eyes still looking into the distance. "She walked up to me and we just started talking. She was nice, asking why I looked sad. I decided to tell her about you."

"What did she say?" I mumbled.

"She figured out that I was in love with you," The side of his mouth tugged upwards, but it quickly disappeared again. "Then she asked if I was gay. I told her I wasn't sure. I've kissed girls in the past, but the only real kiss I had was with you."

It was taking me a minute to piece everything together. Calum could tell, so he just decided to explain. "Kayla offered. She said we could kiss so I could see if I actually liked kissing girls, and there would be no strings attached."

It was silent for a moment, my mind wrapping around the new information I was given. "You should've told me."

"I didn't think it mattered," He whispered back. "You were right, Luke. I loved you, and you loved me back. I guess I got what I deserved. You saw me, I hurt you, and everything got ruined."

"You still should've told me." I said stubbornly, bringing my knees up to my chest.

"I still made a mistake. I didn't think it was important. And, as if that would make a difference."

"I—" I felt my voice break. He had a point.

"Luke, you don't have to say anything. Really." Calum shot me a reassuring smile. "I was the one who told you at that restaurant that I never wanted to see you ever again. You were allowed to date whoever you wanted, we weren't together anymore. Besides, I'm the reason we never spoke after that."

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