Start from the beginning

"Dad do you think you can get us some more fighters here and make sure they are mated? I don't want any unmated males around Princess. First I don't want to have to fight my own pack and second they don't need to be distracted by her smell while trying to protect her. In fact I think we need to send all the unmated wolves back." Terrence tells us.

"Terrence I am the only unmated male on my team and since she is my sister that will not be a problem but while you were taking care of her I sent out the call for a second team to come and meet us. They are also all mated, so we will have reinforcements here soon. The team coming just finished there assignment and debriefing. Their specialty is bodyguards so they are exactly who we need to protect PJ while the team I have here now is our best tracking team." James volunteers.



"I hadn't thought about that yet, but I am glad to see both of you thinking along those lines."  I tell both boys as I hear a knock at the door. I everyone takes a deep sniff and James and I realize its Ben at the same time.

Walking to the door I see a big smile come across James' face.

"Welcome Ben." I say as I open the door.

"So Mark what kind of emergency...James? Oh my is that Princess?" He says as he takes a deep sniff.

"She smells just like her mother and grandmother." He says with a glazed look.

Ben is deep in his memories for just a moment before he booms out "WHO?"

"Calm down Ben. It's Terrence and apparently he marked her the day she was born." I tell him.

"WHAT?" He bellows.

"Jane was there and both carry the Royal behind their ears. I of course found out for sure last night. I thought we had another day but apparently Princess let her guard down about 24 hours before I knew it or we would never have left our territory. The reason we are here is because my other son and his pregnant mate were attacked and PJ was the first wolf to the scene. She recognized that they were using a spray that makes pack wolves smell like rogues and she is the only one who knows the true scent." I quickly tell him.

"Terrence I take it you are my neice's mate. WHY HAVEN'T YOU ALREADY MATED HER AND TAKEN CARE OF THE WORST OF HER PAIN? I can feel it." Ben says with anger blasting all of us.

"Ummm sir. I can't." Terrence bows his head in shame. "If I could I would have done it as soon as she felt the first pain. Believe me I want nothing more. I am taking as much of her pain away as I can..." Terrence tells Ben.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2013 ⏰

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