Chapter Eight

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Today’s word of the chapter: ‘Recalcitrant’. Definition: (Adjective) having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward authority or discipline.

Perfect word to describe Phoenix, ey guys?


Chapter Eight

The train rumbled down the rusty tracks in an unsteady silence. The compartment shook dramatically at every turn and I was sure we would die. The tracks around this part of the city were clearly not maintained and I feared for my life. So far, I hadn’t heard of any casualties so perhaps the route was just safe enough for travel?

We slowed to a wobbly halt and Phoenix stood. I had taken a seat across from him and I too got to my feet.

“We’re getting off here,” he informed me.

I rolled my eyes. “I would never have guessed.”

He disregarded my sarcasm and stepped out through the open exit onto a platform that was completely deserted. Just as I had expected. I didn’t even know that this part of the city existed.

I sprinted through the doors just as they were sliding closed. “So, you do know where we’re going?”

Phoenix turned to offer me a mischievous grin before jumping over a waist-high metal fence. I followed him over but not nearly as gracefully. In fact, I was on the verge of falling over if not for my right foot that shot out on its own accord and took most of my weight.

I hobbled to Phoenix’s side and proceeded to limp the rest of the way. Let me just tell you, it is not easy to limp at the same pace as Phoenix Knight. After a little bit of stretching and massaging, I was able to ease a little bit of the pain and jog to Phoenix’s side. He hadn’t bothered to wait for me so it was a sore one minute jog.

“Did you hurt your ankle?” He asked, finally noticing my slight stagger.

We were still within the empty train station, jumping over various barriers as we went. We entered a large vandalised building that had the tell-tale signs of what must have once been a busy station. Teller cubicles stood abandoned whilst disbanded chairs and various posters littered the floor and walls.

“It’s probably nothing,” I mumbled dismissively.

Phoenix stopped and groaned. He rubbed his thumb and forefinger across his eyebrows and squeezed his eyes shut as though in reluctant contemplation of what he would say next. “Sit.” He righted a fallen chair and motioned for me to take a seat.

“It’s fine, really,” I insisted.

His responding growl was enough for me to raise both hands in surrender and take a seat. “Take off your shoe and roll up the sleeve of your sweat pants,” he ordered.

My eyes turned to saucers as I began to protest. “My feet probably smell like rotten cheese. Seriously, it’s alright. You don’t have to –”

His gaze was sinisterly lit by a single ray of light that crept through a crack in one of the glass tiles above. I could tell that I was angering him but I didn’t care. My feet were strictly a no-go. However, when he bared his teeth and I saw that they were gritted, I didn’t wait for him to begin talking. I had irritated him enough.

My shoe was off in an instant.

I then grabbed the base of my sweats and rolled them up.

He knelt down before me, grabbed my foot and placed it beneath the natural spotlight. “It’s nothing.” I attempted to ward him off once more.

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