Chapter One [Edited]

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Chapter One

I wasn't exactly an outcast at school per se, I just didn't feel like it was worth it for me to dress up every morning just so that I could sit at a wooden desk all day and have a bunch of knowledge crammed down my throat.

I also did not think that school was the kind of place where I actually had to bother talking to people if they didn't bother talking to me in the first place.

No matter how many individuals tried to argue otherwise over and over, it was obvious that clothes and social behaviour decided ones social standing in school. It didn’t matter which school, really. Either one or bothof those features almost always dictated whether you were going to wind up with enough Social Media friends to populate a small township or less than there were candles on your last birthday cake.

This didn’t mean I was friendless though. I did have friends... four to be precise. Well, four that mattered more than the other fifty or so who I occasionally acknowledged or who suddenly remembered my name when they needed a favour.

These four were the only people worth mentioning.

Ivy, Jordan, Bea and Zora.

They were just like me. They didn't give a rat’s ass about –

"What the hell are you staring at, Sadie?" The voice sounded familiar but I was so lost in my own thoughts that I couldn’t think to respond.

I shook my head and faced Ivy. "Did I miss anything?" I asked; except, I didn’t really care if I did or not.

"Why, only the whole of Chemistry," Ivy responded sarcastically with a roll of her bright, hazel eyes. "You really need to stop zoning out. Most of the stuff they teach us is going to be in our finals."

I chuckled briefly and glanced at the ceiling. "I’m sure,” I muttered, already finding myself being drawn back into the engulfing abyss that was my own mind.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed Ivy sweep away a tendril of red hair that had escaped from her pony tail as she prepared to reply. However, her effort was cut short by the shrill ringing of our bell. I stood from my desk and forced a yawn as I swiped my bag from where it lay on the ground and followed Ivy out of class.

I could tell that she was ranting about our Chemistry teacher but my full attention was on the hallway ahead of me and the three girls that were shimmying past other pupils in search of us. It wasn’t that I was looking out for them; I just didn’t feel like ranting.

With only two smiles and a quick “hey” from Jordan, the three joined us and we began our journey to the lunch hall.

“How was Chem?” Zora asked brightly with an achingly wide smile on her face. Her braces twinkled as she adjusted her thick-rimmed glasses and struggled to push several messy strands of dark-brown hair from her line of sight.

“You should probably ask Ivy,” I responded.

Jordan rolled her eyes and turned to Ivy. “She phased out again, then?” she enquired rhetorically. They all knew the answer to that. We had all been friends long enough for them to know my mannerisms.

Ivy nodded.

Jordan shook her head disapprovingly. Her short, spiky black hair continued to stand on end, indifferent to the general movement of her body. There was far too much gel mixed in with the strands for them to do anything but stand on end. 

We kept up casual conversation as we walked through the halls. Bea didn’t speak though. She was the quiet one. She was also the pretty one. And the tall one.

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