"Let's team up and get the be-"

"No way!" Sakura cut her off. "I will only team up with Sasuke!" She said as she stumbled up and waved her off as well.

Chidori sighed and tried to look for Sasuke. He seemed like a more reasonable guy...

"No, you'll only bring me down." He hissed slightly before jumping off.

Chidori rolled her eyes. She knew that this whole thing would be about teamwork as her father and Gai would implement it on Lee, TenTen and Neji.

She jumped out of the tree and brought out her sword, ready to attack her father. She was already close but he had dodged her blade and gave a light kick in her stomach.

"You're improving, sweetie." He gave a small smile before putting his book back into his pocket. The three gasped at the sight.

Sasuke looked at her then back at Kakashi. "There must be something if he's actually putting back his book... there must be something that made him place his whole attention to her..."  Sasuke muttered to himself.

He watched as Chidori drew out her other sword and gave a determined look at her father who muttered out "I haven't seen those blades in a while"

She charged at him and would bring out slashes filled with the wind's force that made things a bit harder for Kakashi to dodge.

As he nearly made a bridge from dodging, Chidori had made a shadow clone and nearly grabbed the bells but was kicked back by Kakashi.

The clone hit the tree and poofed away. Kakashi huffed slightly, but had to dodge another attack from Chidori.

He gave a hard, one hand push on her abdomen and it too vanished into smoke.

She used shadow clone from the start?

Another pair of little wolf girls came up to attack him but were both wiped out quickly.

"Can't always used Shadow clone, it will drain your chakra faster." He chimed.

Three Chidori's went on his way. They were already a hassle but another two came in making things harder. They were quick eyed and made swift movements to make sure that he would not get a chance to substitute himself with one of the clones.

He was caught up with his fight that he had no longer noticed that the real one had already taken the three bells. Just to make things sure, her clones had used an earth justsu that buried Kakashi's body and left only his head up. 

She ran up to the three, who had sat a small distance from each other, and called them out. They looked at her in curiosity, then it shifted to a shocked one when she brought out the three bells.

"Y-you have to give that to me!" Naruto exclaimed. "You know that I want to be Hokage!"

Sasuke gave a shocked look. "I need it to... to... fulfill a dream..." he said lowly.

Sakura gave a glare. "You need to give it to me because I am clearly the prettiest and smartest in the group!"

Chidori panted a few more times before just giving each bell to one of them, not even leaving one for herself.

Naruto looked at it and analyzed it. "But that means you don't have one."

"So?" Sakura inquired. "Kakashi's her dad anyway."

Sasuke hesitated a bit as he felt unworthy of the bell. He did not get it himself therefor he did not deserve it. He only got as close as touching it but she was the one who fully grabbed it.

"Chidori... ta-" he was cut off by the ringing of the bell. Kakashi appeared in front of them with a rather dark look.

They all sat there in front of Kakashi as he rubbed his temples. He glanced at them again before speaking.

"I have decided." He started. "Since Chidori is the one who technically got the bell, she might be safe but I have no assurance...." Kakashi turned the the three in the very front. "As for you three, I won't bring you back to the academy." A wave of sighs came from them. "I will remove you from the ninja program!"


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