The Mexican Adventures of Rudy Man Issue #20: Let us fight! Rudy Vs Darkheart

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Rudy stands tall, Jade and Majestic man are on the floor while Leon and Jess protect them, Eric lays Bloody and uncounsious as Nick and Paul hold there own down stairs. Rudy stares Darkheart down with Rage in his eyes. "This will be the end" They both think. No more, running, no more tricks, no more interruptions, this will be the day Rudy or Darkheart will fall.....

5 hours earlier...

"Are we there yet?!" Rudy asked tired. "Not sure, I'm following the route Majestic man gave me. "We should arrive within the hour" He said. "Thank Jesus! I'm getting car sick". They arrived shortly at the base and got off. "You ready?" Majestic man said. "Yeah!" Jade said. "Rudy?" They asked. "Ahhhh!!!" Rudy said throwing up by a rock. "Yeah....yeah....i'm.....ahhhhh!" He said throwing up some more. " I.....ahhhh!". "Maybe we should give you a moment" Jade said. "Naw naw....i'm all good" he said taking a deep breath. "Lets go" He said they walked cautiously to the door, each step quieter then the last. "Now!" They said as they rammed it. All they saw was a flash as the whole mountain came down on them in an instant. Back at Pas Rico City......
Eric was tossed into a wall by Darkheart who was now as buff as the hulk. Eric got up and ran at Darkheart but Darkheart grabbed him by the throat and slammed him down. Eric coughed up some blood as he gave Darkheart an angry look. A shock struck Darkheart on the back and he turned around angrily. Nick and Paul began unleashing clip after clip of stun bullets on him. "Get the commissioner out of there!" Paul yelled. The attack only seemed to make Darkheart flinch but it was doing its job. With a Roar Darkheart charged at Nick and Paul but Eric tripped him and before he fell Eric uppercutted him in the stomach making him fly. "No more games!" Eric said as he pulled out a small cube. It began forming around his glove and formed a cannon. With a mighty scream Eric unleashed a mega blast from his cannon and it connected square on with Darkheart.
"Now he's like MegaMan!" Paul pointed out. The cube formed back to normal and fell back to the ground, hot and steamy. "They have about 60% of there men and we have about 50%, if we don't beat Darkheart, we won't win this fight" Eric thought. Eric was going to fight some goons but Darkheart crashed back down more pissed then ever. "I can't keep doing this! The charge will only last so long" Eric thought looking at his gloves and boots. "Paul lets show them why were #1!" Nick said. Paul nodded as they pulled out part of a toy gun. The two parts clicked together and doubled in size before splitting into two fully functional assault rifles. They began dropping more and more goons while Darkheart and Eric continued there fight. The two collided fist and stood face to face. "You always were a goody goody!" Darkheart said kneeling him in the stomach. "And you were always a trouble maker!" Eric said headbutting him in the jaw. "I use to think that's why we were perfect partners but I realized my mistake" Eric said. Both Eric and Darkheart looked into each other's eyes "August 2nd, 2010" they both said. Both had gone to school together for years, every since elementary. Eric's father was a famous commissioner who was in charge of one of the worlds greatest police forces. He wasn't around much and only came by for business. Darkheart's father was a mild mannered accountant​, or so the world thought, he was actually in charge of a crime syndicate. Eric and Darkheart were complete opposites, one was a trouble maker and one was a hall monitor, one liked mustard while the other liked ketchup. The two hit it off as friends when Eric turned Darkheart in for causing a disruption in class. The two were then bound to each other. Years passed and the two only grew closer. The two eventually joined the force to try to make the world a better place. "What do you think Eric, think we can make a difference?" Darkheart asked at graduation. "Not sure, I'm just shocked you got through without getting expelled Carlos" Eric said. "Whatever bro" They said smiling. The two continued to be partners for a few years until a single action changed everything. August 2nd, 2010 was the night the famous crime syndicate "Blood Rats" was discovered and Eric's father hunted them down. The battle was feirce, men died left and right until the fight was over. One man stood on top the piles of bodies bleeding from his side. It was Eric's father. He heard a click from behind him and cold metal on the back of his head. "I don't want things to end like this Charlie" The man said. "Then don't" Charlie said. "You know its not that simple!" He yelled. "We can help you Aaron, you just have to let us" Charlie said. "I wish I could.....but I'm too far gone". Aaron was about to fire but Charlie turned just in time to fire a bullet straight into his heart. "Things didn't have to go this way" Charlie said. "Your right.....but I knew they would". Aaron then released a trigger and the whole building exploded, leaving nothing but ash. News soon reached Carlos and Eric as they soon found out there fathers were in charge of each side. They didn't feel it was a reason to not be friends, Carlo's father hid it from them the whole time. "It's not like you knew, why should our friendship be ruined" Eric said. "Yeah.....your right..." Carlos said less convinced. Back at home Carlos found a video left by his father for him on his bed. He began to watch it and saw it was a message. "Son, if you watching this my worse dreams have become reality, I'm not an accountant​" He said. Carlos looked sad even though he already knew that. "But! I'm no criminal, on the contrary I'm a researcher for the government that was given special orders but Charlie disagreed and started this whole mess. It was a secret plan so the government won't say a thing". Aaron cleared his throat as he began to tear up. "My work is secret because this world is cruel, because this world can't except it, so son don't continue my work, this world doesn't deserve it. I want you to do something different, something bigger, I want make this world burn". The video cut to footage of Charlie and Aaron talking as Charlie pulled a gun on Aaron and killed him, he then blew up the building along with himself. The video then faded to black. Carlos was speechless "what.......what do I do?" He said to himself before running to the cops. He told them everything but they just laughed. They told him how his father was no researcher, he was a criminal. Carlos even went back to his house with proof of his father's innocents and Charlie's cruelty. This was big news for Charlie's family and anyone who supported him. He was known by all for being the definition of justice and was a great symbol for America. Word got around and everyone was interested in this footage that would change the way everyone saw Charlie Steven but that day Carlos had to turn in the video it was gone. He was called many things for this and even had his house lit on fire. That night Eric and his mother went to see them but Carlos pushed Eric away. "We aren't friends, we are nothing now, your family is dead to me and I swear with all my heart that I will end the Steven's bloodline, no matter what" Carlos said leaving Eric in pure shock. Eric and his mom went home and everything seemed okay, Eric's mom said he just needed time to calm down but that night a gunshot killed Eric's mom and began the new life of Carlos Robinson. His new Lord Darkheart. This also set Eric on a goal to bring Carlos to justice, no matter the sacrifices. "Can you believe it's been 6 years since that day?" Darkheart said smiling at Eric. "All my feelings for you are gone, my friend Carlos Robinson is no more, all that's left is this sad excuse for a man" Eric said as he was crushed into the ground. "I didn't know denial could be this extreme" Eric said chuckling. "Denial? You think I'm in denial?!" Darkheart yelled. "Who knows, maybe your still that little boy I grew up with, under all that rage and hate, you may still be there" Eric said. "Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm no longer that fool of a boy!" He yelled as he threw Eric into the second floor of the station. Eric laid on the cold ground ready to active his final ace but that's when he heard a motorcycle and some faint music. "Guess who!!!" Rudy yelled as Him, Jade and Majestic man busted through goon after goon as they made there way to Nick and Paul. "I swear you two are nothing without me" Majestic man said as he took out a group of goons. "Your here!!!" Paul said hugging him. "Get off I'm busy!" He said ripping Paul off him. "You guys came at the perfect time, Eric and Darkheart are duking it out and looks like Eric can't hold on much longer" Nick said. "Woah Lord Darkheart Vs commissioner Eric! Must have been quite the brawl" Jade said. "Sure was those two really got some personal issues to work out". "Well we got no time to waste! Lets go!" Rudy said as a sharp fake nail cut his cheek. He turned to see two faces he didn't expect to see. "Drama queen! The Multiplier!" He said shocked. "You've humiliated us for too long! We won't be beaten as easy this time!" Drama queen said as she pulled out a pumpkin spice latte. "Just you wait to see our new found power!" The multiplier said as he pulled out a bowl of white rice. They both began engulfing there meal as Rudy sensed a change in them. Before he could do anything Drama queen dashed at him at tremendous speeds. Rudy jumped back just in time to save his body from getting sliced but his signature R on his suit was in tathers. Rudy looked shocked and angry at the same time. Before she could do anything however The Multiplier split into 5 then 10 then 50 until there were over 100 of him. "Your move Rudy man" They all said together. Rudy was ready to fight but Jade and Majestic man got in the way. "Go deal with Darkheart, we'll handle this" Jade said. "Guys I don't think you understand, there not the same people I fought before!" Rudy said. "Lucky us, we get a challenge" Majestic man said. "Don't worry, your not the only super hero anymore" Jade said winking at him. After a quick smile and a goodluck Rudy went to check on Eric and Darkheart. "You know Eric, I've been dreaming of this day" Darkheart said grabbing him by the head. "Nothing could make this any better" Darkheart said ready to break his skull. Eric was about to use his ace which is a self destruction for the gloves and boots but Rudy made it just in time. "Hey there Darkheart, you been working out? Commissioner, seen better days?" Rudy said. Eric smiled "damn disgrace, took you long enough" he said. "Sorry about that, but I'll take it from here" Rudy said as Eric blacked out. "You get in my over and over and over!" Darkheart said getting frustrated. "But this time, you've bitten off more then you can chew, my army will crush the SRRPD and then this city, all while a crush you and Eric into a pulp". "It's commissioner Eric, learn some respect". Darkheart laughed "I don't know how but you have made me even more pissed!" He said rushing Rudy. Rudy quickly smashed his leg against Darkheart's fist but he felt a pain in his leg and Rudy was thrown to the wall. "All this time you've been stopping me, but no more! I will rule this world!". Rudy jumped off the wall and hit Darkheart but he blocked with his arm. He countered with a left hook but Rudy cushioned the blow and used the force of it to bounce back off the wall and hit Darkheart in the ribs. "Lets see how far we can take this" Rudy said smiling. With a mighty lash Jade took out another clone of The Multiplier. "Your looking tired, care for some rice!" He said hitting her with a bag. "Why do you even have that?!" She yelled. Majestic man was having his own problems. Each time he attacked or tried to grab Drama Queen she'd cut through his hair. "I'm getting ticked off!" He yelled as both struggled to defeat there opponent. They both had taken a few hits and were getting tired fast. "Enough of this, Jess!" Jade said as Jess swooped in knocking a few down. "Now!" She said as she whiped up and Jess grabbed on. Jess lifted her into the air while Jade helped with a jump. She flew up into the sky and began to spin her whip as she fell back down. "let's see how many I get with this!" Jade yelled as she hit the ground hard with her whip as everything shook around them.
She fell to her knees with a pain in her body that caused her to lose feeling for a minute. Majestic man used this time and launched himself at Drama queen. He surprised her and got a good punch in, he felt a pain in his arm and his punch wasn't strong enough. "It seems we're both feeling the pain from back there" Jade said. "Yeah, that was a nasty trick" Majestic man said. "I hope Rudy can deal with Darkheart like this" Jade said. Back at the mountain base Rudy and the others were trapped under the mountain when a bomb blew it all up. Majestic man made a hair shield around them to protect them from the blast but couldn't from the falling mountain. Rudy quickly jumped in and began breaking them down and in the progress injured his leg badly. "We all sustained some injuries but Rudy had it worse" Jade said. "That's what he gets for playing hero" Majestic man said. "Hey, its what he does". "How many more of you are there!" Nick yelled as he pistol whipped one down. "No clue but we're running low on men and ammo" Paul said. "Yeah your right, ever are rifles are done for" Nick said as they transformed back into pistols. "Last resort?" Paul asked. "Last resort" Nice responded as they pulled on some shock gloves and began zapping people left and right. "Ah!" Darkheart yelled throwing a rock at Rudy. Rudy kicked it into pieces as he flinched. Darkheart saw him and unleashed devastating punches to his stomach. "Is someone hurt?" Darkheart asked. Rudy was too busy throwing up to answer. "Well!" Darkheart said kneeing him in the stomach. Rudy whispered something. "What was that?" Darkheart asked. "Jorge!" Rudy yelled as Jorge jumped from the roof onto Darkheart and began pecking at him. With Darkheart distracted Rudy fired a barrage of kicks at him throwing him right down the stairs to the first floor. Rudy kneeled down as he took a breather. Majestic man and Jade soon busted in to help. "Where's Darkheart!?" Jade said falling down. They both were injured everywhere and were in no shape to fight anymore. "Are you two okay?" Rudy asked. "Yeah, just a scratch, we took care of those two so no worries" Majestic man said. Both of them then felt a pain in there body telling them to stop. "You two are in no shape to fight!" Rudy yelled. "There you go again, always trying to take all the glory" Majestic man said flinching from the pain. Both Jess and Leon went in to help there masters but were of no help now. "Jorge you have to help them get out of here" Rudy said. Jorge agreed and went to help them up. Just then Darkheart jumped back up from the first floor and looked at Majestic man and Jade. "So you two beat The Multiplier and Drama Queen? I can't trust those two with anything! Their worthless!" He yelled. "Well they did enough I suppose" He said kicking Jade in the stomach making her cry out. "Stop! Your fights with me!" Rudy yelled. Darkheart chuckled "fight? This is no longer a fight, this is a slaughter. Look around you, everyone is done fighting, the commissioner, your super hero pals here, and I'm sure those two officers aren't going to last very long" Darkheart said. "All that's you". "Your wrong, I'm not the last, far from it! This city is with me, all the officers, all my fans, everyone fallen and everyone still fighting, I'm never alone!" Rudy said standing high and mighty as Darkheart had a strange mix of hatred and laughter "No more, running, no more tricks, no more interruptions". "This is the end!" They both said together as they clashed once again. Jorge did his best to help get everyone away from the fight. "Lets call this off now!" Rudy warned. "Enough talk!" Darkheart said pushing Rudy away. Rudy ran again for a strike but was stopped and was thrown to the floor. Darkheart tried to punch him but Rudy dodged and kicked Darkheart in the stomach with his feet. He then jumped up and got in fighting stance. "Your weak! Your injured! You can't win!" Darkheart said. Rudy looked at his wound "your right, I'm injured, it hurts, but compared to everyone....this is just a scratch!" Rudy yelled charging and exchanging blows once more, his pain slowly fading. "It no longer hurts, because now I know my pain is only a fraction to what the others feel!" Rudy said overpowering Darkheart. "How?!?! I'm a running out of time!?!" Darkheart thought to himself. "What's with the shocked look? This is how is always ends" Rudy said going in for a kick. Darkheart countered with a punch. "Not this time!" Darkheart grabbing him and began swinging him into the ground over and over. "Need more then that!" Rudy said kicking Darkheart in the face. Rudy jumped back but was grabbed by Darkheart once more. Darkheart began punching with all his might but each attack Rudy dodged. "Lets try this!" Rudy said as he used his free leg to bounce off of Darkheart's chest and go over his head. He then used the leg Darkheart was holding onto and swung it forward with all his might, making Darkheart fly over head and right through the floor. Both fell to the bottom floor where Nick and Paul continued there fight. "Keep it down were trying to fight here!" Paul said. "My bad I just thought it be better down here" Rudy said as Darkheart rammed him through the wall. "Man were going to need alot of fundraisers to fix this place" Nick sighed. Outside Darkheart held on tight as he went through men after men before finally crushing Rudy into another building. "Your nothing but a worm in my way! Nothing more nothing less! I will crush you by my hand and show the world that I'm their one and only ruler!" Darkheart said as his body began to tense up. "No time left!" He said as his power was about to run out. Rudy kicked the wall he was in and the whole building began to crumble. Rudy jumped into it and began running through it. "Come back here!!!" Darkheart yelled crushing all rocks that fell on him. Rudy ran to the top as fast as he could while Darkheart chashed. "It's now or never!" Darkheart said as he forced all his power into one last punch. As he reached the top floor Rudy stood in front of a small stone no bigger then a golf ball. "The end is here!" They both said as Darkheart charged at Rudy. "Rudy.....secret technique.....Hammering Universal Blessing Dreaming Rapid Exorcist Bruising Blaster!!!!' Rudy yelled as the rock was launched and collided with Darkheart's fist. In a matter of seconds not only was the building nothing but dust, the ground was over turned and all clouds had been pushed away. Rudy stood where the building use to be, his foot still hot and his ears still ringing. "This over!" He yelled as all the goons ran in defeat as Majestic man, Jade and the commissioner looked on from the station. "That Rudy man, nothing can stop him" Paul said as Rudy fell to the ground. "Everyone rushed to his side as quick as possible. "What's wrong?! Are you hurt?! Tired?!?! What is it man what is it?!?!" Paul said crying over his body. "Just......a bit hungry" Rudy said laughing. Everyone joined in as they helped him to his feet. "City totaled, multiple casualties and you have nothing to show for it!!!" A news reporter yelled at the mayor. "There may be problems but the only casualties are from the brave SRRPD who protected this city and its people in its darkest time!" The mayor said sternly. "The people are indeed safe but this city is far from it, we got Intel that the main problem of this whole mess was none other then Rudy man himself!" The reporter said. A man laughed as the mayor struggled on TV. "Good job Darkheart you did what was needed, now time to bring that man down....once and for all!" He said laughing.

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