The Mexican Adventures of Rudy Man Issue #2: The sidekick

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Rudy man has always been a loner, always doing things by himself rather it be eating a taco, swimming across the river and yes even mowing the lawn but this was not Rudy man's fault he just never seemed to find anyone he connected with.

One morning Rudy man woke up to a sore body, so sore he couldn't even move.

"I need a sidekick" Rudy man thought.

"I'm always fighting evil alone and well I'm getting a little too wore out"

Rudy man's train of thought was lost when one of his chickens began to clucked loudly.

"Guess he's hungry" Rudy man concluded as he went out and gave them some feed.

"Maybe I should look into getting a partner...." Rudy man considered.

His train of thought was yet again disturbed when one of the chickens mistook his toe for feed.

Rudy man let out a scream when the chicken bit into his toe with the force of a center block falling on it.

Rudy man went back inside with his bandaged toe and decided to go and get a bite to eat himself.

He started up his mower and turned up the speakers.

"To Tony's!!!" Rudy man announced driving off.

A taco restaurant called Tony's tacos was down the street and heard Rudy man's bass rumble the restaurant.

"Looks like Rudy mans on his way" the owner guessed.

"I'll get his usual ready" The female worker smiled.

Rudy man pulled up to a spot specifically for his lawn mower that said "For Rudy man only"

He walked in with a smile and yelled out "Where are my tacos!"

The worker passed him his usual but he turned them down.

"No thanks I'm going to try something else today"

"Feeling a bit adventurous?" She smirked.

"Just a bit" Rudy man admitted grabbing a menu and chair.

"Let's see what's good..." he hummed as he scrolled through the tacos.

"I'll have a chic-" Rudy man was stopped by a cry for help he heard down the road.

"Looks like tacos will have to wait!" Rudy man started running out towards the screams.

"Go Rudy man go!!!" The owner and worker cheered.

A few thieves had just robbed an old lady of her purse and were making a run for it. Rudy man found a round rock and was going to kick it.

"Stop right the-!" Rudy man was interrupted by a pain in his legs.

"Damn I'm still sore from my last fight" he scoffed.

"Guess I'm running" he sighed as he dashed at them.

"We scored big boys" the robber chuckled as he looked through the purse.

"Stop evil doers!!!" Rudy man interrupted.

Rudy man's legs felt as if they were paper and we're burning like a flame.

"I can't keep going" he tensed up, to sore to continue.


Just then at Rudy man's moment of weakness a winged figure blocked out the sun and ran at the robbers.

"It can't be" Rudy man gasped.

"Looks like we made i-!" The robbers were stopped when the figure began to attack them.

"No! Aw! Stop! Ah!" The robbers were helpless.

They gave up and tried to run but Rudy man was waiting.

"I'm going to play soccer.....with your heads!" He roared as he sucker kicked them all at once knocking them out.

"That was amazing Rudy man!" A passerby flattered him.

"Thank you for getting my purse" the lady thanked him.

"Don't thank me new partner, Jorge the chicken!" He confirmed as the chicken that bit his toe flew to his shoulder and let out a victory cluck.

As they headed back to the taco shop the worker already had his two chicken tacos ready.

"On second thought I'll have my usual" he said looking at Jorge.

And thus began the alliance of The Mighty Rudy man and Jorge the Chicken.

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