The Mexican Adventures of Rudy Man Issue #14: The disappearance of Rudy Man!

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"Another great day out mowing lawns, don't you just love the smell of lawn clippings and the sound of a mower at work?" Rudy asked. "I'm going to make some dinner so how about you go to your nest while I get you some seeds" Rudy said. Jorge happily complied and ate in his nest while Rudy made himself some dinner. 10 lawns in a day, I haven't done that many in a while" He said proudly. "I feel today was a really good day and I hope tomorrows just as productive!" He said finishing his dinner. He made two beef quesadillas with a side of rice. He quickly gulped them down while talking to Jorge about the day and such. "Man that sure hit the spot!" He said as he got up and went to his bed. "Man I was going to watch some soccer but I feel so.... tired...." he said crashing. Jorge finished his food and nuzzled into his nest, falling asleep rather quickly. Late that night a group of movers lost there way and stopped at Rudy's house. "I know it's late but if we don't ask for help we'll never get anywhere!" One of them said. Rudy had began walking to his back door and looked towards his side gate walking to it. Rudy was sleep walking and thinking of finding his bed that was stolen by Lord Darkheart. As the two argued infront of Rudy's door Rudy sneaked into the back of there moving van and fell asleep on a couch. The two men knocked but no answer. "See I told you no one would answer!" The man said as he hit the door. The hinge of the door broke off and the door fell down a bit. "ah look what you did!". "Okay okay it's cool man its cool" the man said. The man put a note that said "I'm sorry" and had money in the back. "There now we're all good". "Fine lets try the GPS again" the other man said. The next morning Jorge woke up to see Rudy gone, the back door open as well and the front broken. He checked the garage and saw the lawn mower was still there. After looking outside he saw the note and began to worry. He had no where to go to ask for help until he got an idea. "Leon don't rip the pillow! Leon!!!" Majestic man yelled as he chased Leon for a pillow. Majestic man heard pecking at the door while he played tug o war with Leon over the pillow. Majestic man answered and was surprised to see Jorge. "Hey your Rudy man's sidekick, um.....Jaime!" Majestic man said. Jorge pecked at him angrily. "Hey stop! Did I get it wrong!?" He asked. Jorge remembered why he came and told Majestic man to follow him. "What's this all about?" He asked but Jorge had no response. As they reached the house Jorge showed him the doors and then the note. "I'm sorry? What a strange note and there's something behind it". Majestic man looked at the money and crushed it in his hand "is this some kind of sick trade!?" He yelled. "Someone has kidnapped Rudy man and I want to save him, you know so he'll owe me one". Jorge clucked and pointed to Majestic man's SRRPD badge. "I'm not asking for help, this will be a solo mission, and you two of course" he said. "But where to begin, we have no leads". Jorge walked into the street and began pointing to a tire mark on the ground. "Perfect, maybe this is the car that took Rudy man". "Lets get this checked out by a specialist at the station, I won't ask for there help for the case but it shouldn't hurt to do this". They arrived soon at the station where they went to see the forensic scientist Professor Lambo. "Well?" Majestic man asked as he examined it. "As it suspected....this is a tire marking!" He said. "We already know that! What's it from!?". "A automobile, duh!" He said. "Sometimes I wonder how most of you got a job, do you just walk in here and ask?". "Of course not! got to have your high school diploma as well". "I hate you much". "Well if you want specific here's what I know, its from a big vehicle, a truck or van of some sort, possibly a transport van for construction or goods" he said. "I see....thanks for your help Professor!" Majestic said walking off. "Mhm have fun now!". Majestic man walked over to a bill board that had the schedule of cops on patrol. "Okay it says last night the ones on patrol were......oh god, Nick and Paul". "You call?" Paul said eating a donut. "You were on patrol last night?" Majestic man asked. "You bet" Paul said digging into his donut. "Did y'all see any big vans or trucks around maybe..... midnight?" He asked. "Hmm....not sure we can check the footage" Paul said licking his fingers. "Yes let's" Majestic man said. They went to the cop car where they looked over the footage until they saw a white truck with a B and R that looked stuck together as the logo. "It's a bit blurry but I can make out moving service!" Majestic man. "Thanks for the help Paul!" He said. "Wait what's this for?" He asked but Majestic man was already gone. "Okay so we know it was a white van that took him, a moving van, so if we find the company we find Rudy man!" He said. Majestic man quickly search up moving companies and his idea was shot down. "Every last one of them.....are B and R moving companies, Bonnie's and Richards, Ben's and Dawn's. Benjamin and Ron, the list continues...." he said sadly. "It would take hours to call each one and what would I tell them "hello did you kidnap a person last night?" He said facing Jorge and Leon. "I've been talking to a chicken and dog for over an hour.....while looking for a man who was kidnapped in a moving van.....this is my life" he said. Leon got up and looked at Majestic man's pants. "I don't have any food. Just my phone, keys, badge and the note. That's it the note!" He said. "Leon can you sniff them out?" He asked. Leon nodded. "Perfect! Lets get to work!" Leon sniffed the paper and began his journey. He sniffed through restaurants, houses and even restrooms. They traveled all over the city for hours before arriving at a warehouse. "Finally, lets go!" Majestic man said. Just then a van was coming in. Majestic man grabbed Jorge and Leon and flew to the roof and waited for the van to go in. They then snuck in and questioned the drivers. "What did you do to Rudy man?!" Majestic man asked as he tied them up with his hair. Jorge and Leon barked and clucked at them angrily. "Rudy man? The superhero? I don't know a thing about him!" He said. "You lie my dog here tracked your scent with this price of paper you wrote!". "Hmm....hey Josh isen't that's Larry's handwriting?" The guy asked the other. "I don't know, looks like Albert's to me" the other said. "Who?" Majestic man said but then Leon barked at him. "What's wrong?" Majestic man asked. He told Majestic man that these two weren't the ones and that he picked up another scent. After releasing the two and apologizing they followed Leon around again for a good hour before arrive at Rudy's house. "You idiot this is the house!" Majestic man yelled but inside they heard laughing. Then ran in to see Rudy man and two men wearing a moving van logo. Majestic man pinned them to the wall as Jorge and Leon ran to Rudy. "Jorge! Majestic man! And a....wolf?" Rudy said. "He's a dog and his name's Leon". "Why would you name a dog Leon?". "It wasn't my decision okay!". "Besides that what's going on here?! We're these the men who kidnapped you?" Majestic man said. "Kidnapped? Who told you I was kidnapped?" Rudy asked. "Well there was the note and the door was broken and you vanished and-" Majestic man was cut off when Rudy man laughed. "Why are you laughing?!". "Sorry sorry, man I sure caused some problems didn't I?" Rudy asked. "Yeah you sure did" Majestic man said. "Just then Jorge and Leon got closer to Rudy. "What's wrong?" He asked. Leon began to growl and Jorge pecked at him. "What are you two doing!" Majestic man said letting the two movers go and helping Rudy man. Majestic man pulled off Jorge but Leon bite into Rudy's neck before Majestic man got him. "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah I'm fine" Rudy said as a small chip on his neck fell off and he transformed into a goon from lord Darkheart. "It's a trap!" Majestic man said as the two movers were also goons. "Where's Rudy man?!" Majestic man yelled. "You'll have to beat it out of us!" A goon said as Majestic man slammed him with his hair. "Good, that's the only way I know how to get information". In matter of minutes the goons were defeated and tied up. "Now where is Rudy man!" Majestic man said. "Okay okay we'll talk we'll talk!" The goon said. "We..... don't know" he whispered. "Huh?" Majestic man said tightening his hair. "We don't know! We never knew! This was just a plan to ruin Rudy man's reputation I'm sorry!!!" He said crying. "I don't think he's lying" Majestic man said. Just then to workers walked into the house and were about to talk until Majestic man pinned then to the wall. "Are you backup?!" He yelled. "We just came to help" the worker said. Majestic man said letting them go "help?". "Well you see....." The workers spilled the beans on what happened last night and said after leaving they found there way back and saw Rudy man in the back. They ran to go get a camera to get a picture but when they came back Rudy was gone, they came back to see if he made it home. "If that's true and Darkheart doesn't have Rudy man, where is he?" Majestic man asked. "That's my bed!!!" Rudy yelled from the other room. Everyone ran to see Rudy asleep on his bed sleep talking. "When did he?" Majestic man was shocked. Rudy Man woke up a few minutes later. "Um..... morning?" He said seeing everyone in his bedroom. "G-good morning" everyone said.

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