The Mexican Adventures of Rudy Man Issue #18: A passionate rumble

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Three days passed since the incident but there was no sign of her anywhere. Rudy helped get the motorcycle back to his house as well as house Jess. "Where could she be?!" Rudy said frustrated with his lack of leads. "She has to be somewhere...." he said falling asleep. Later that day he heard knocking on his door that woke him up. He looked to the door and saw a letter was slipped under his door. He walked to the door and looked through the window but saw no one. He saw the letter and opened it up. It was a small USB. He popped it into his laptop and opened up the only file on it. It was a video. "Hello? Rudy man? If you get this I need you help I've been captured by M, I need your help! Please hur-!" The video was cut. Rudy got up quickly and got ready. With the USB, Jorge and Jess he got on Wanda and headed to the SRRPD. "Hmmm M huh? Hey Nick know of any villains by that name?" Paul asked. "Not off the top of my head, go ask the commissioner" Nick said. "I'm not going alone he'll hurt my feelings!" Paul said. "Ugh! your such a baby, come on let's hurry" Nick said. "M? Why would you ask me!? We have a database for a reason you retards! Now get out of my face before I throw you out the window!!!" He yelled. "He's in a good mood today huh?" Nick said. "Yeah he didn't make me cry this time" Paul said. "So where is this database?" Rudy asked. "Over here, only the elites can access it, lucky for you I'm one of them" Nick said scanning his badge to get in. "I'm one too" Paul said. "Okay so M right?" Paul said. "Yeah, he must be strong to have captured Jade" Rudy said. "Jade huh? So!" Paul got really close and looked serious. " she your girlfriend?" He asked. "W-what?! No I just met here 4 days ago!" Rudy said. "Seems like an awful lot to do for someone you just met" Nick pointed out. "She's a fellow hero I have to help her! Have you found him yet!" Rudy said changing the subject. "Don't get your cape in a bundle I need a minute". "....hmm strange no one is named M and any villains we've caught with an M in there name aren't anything to worry about" Nick said. "So what I'm dealing with is a new villain?!" Rudy said. "It's very likely, this could be his way of debuting himself" Paul said. Just then the building began to shake. "What's happening?!" Rudy asked. "We must be under attack!" Nick said. They quickly ran out of the station and Rudy was sucker punch on the jaw by a huge fist. "Stop Majestic man!!!" A few officers said but Majestic man brushed them aside and was about to crush Rudy with another hair fist but Rudy saw it and rolled out of the way. "What are you doing?!?" Rudy yelled. Just then it hit him, The rivalry, Nothing in the database, the letter M. "No...." Rudy said shocked but before he could say anything Majestic man hit him hard again. Jorge and Jess were going to help but Leon got in their way. "What the hell is happening?!?!" Paul said. "No clue but we better get more backup!" Nick said. "Stop!" The commissioner said. "This has nothing to do with us, let them do what they will!". "But sir it's our two greatest forces going at it!" Paul said. "Exactly why we can't fight back! We can't stop them, let alone beat them in a fight! Our job is to protect this city so go and direct the people away from the fight! Now!!!" He yelled. Nick and Paul wanted to help Rudy and Majestic man but had a job to do "yes sir!". Rudy got back up with a bruise on his temple. "Why are you doing this.....Why!?!?!" Rudy yelled as Majestic man went in for another punch. Rudy jumped out of the way and ran at him. Majestic man tried to get him but Rudy dodged each attack and roundhouse kicked Majestic man in the jaw. He went flying but he used his hair as an anchor and launched back at Rudy. He flew through the air and readied a punch. Rudy got in kicking stance as he took a deep breath. The two clashed, each emotion surging through the attack. "What are you doing?! Lets talk this out!!!" Rudy said but Majestic man slapped him with his other hand and made him fly into a house. Rudy got up bleeding from his mouth. "Majestic man....i'm sorry" Rudy said tearing up as he used all his speed and dashed at him. Majestic man tried to grab him but Rudy was moving to fast. "Wanda!!!" Rudy yelled. Moments later the ground rumbled and Wanda flew through the sky. Rudy jumped high and got on her. The two began spinning around Majestic man. "I.....will win!!!" Rudy yelled. Back at the SRRPD Leon was fighting Jess and Jorge. Jorge ran straight to him and was going to attack but hesitated. Leon used this moment and head-butted him into the wall. Jess flew down for an attack but Jorge pushed her out of the way. Jess looked confused but could see in Jorge's eyes he didn't want to fight. Leon's eyes were full of fury but Jorge could see beyond that. Leon rushed them and tackled Jorge down but Jorge kicked him off and got on Jess. They flew up to the sky and did a nose dive down. Leon stood his ground and waited for there return. Jorge jumped off last second and pecked him right on the head. Leon jumped back, vision blurry but didn't stop attacking. He lashed out at Jorge but Jorge did nothing. Each attack grazed Jorge little by little. Leon pinned him to the ground but Jorge did nothing. Jorge looked him in the eyes, those eyes of fury that couldn't be shaked. Jorge saw beyond them, he saw the pain Leon was feeling, he didn't want to do this and neither did Jorge. The two looked at each other and understood. Leon got off Jorge and whimpered to him. Jorge pecked him on the head softy as Jess flew back down. The three looked out to the battle field where Rudy and Majestic man were battling. Rudy was spinning around at top speed on Wanda as Majestic man continued to try to attack him. "I can't kick a ball like this, the speeds too great" Rudy thought. "I have to wound him first, looks like I have to do it" Rudy said. Rudy engaged his scream O music and Wanda went turbo mode. "Please forgive me!" Rudy yelled as he charged at Majestic man. Majestic man couldn't see it at all as Rudy got closer and closer. "MAX VOLUME!!!" Rudy yelled as his speakers bursted and Wanda became a blur. A sonic boom louder and bigger then ever before was achieved. Rudy jumped off moments before Wanda reached new speeds. He had a single tear in his eye as Wanda slammed hard into Majestic man and exploded. Rudy laid on the floor for a minute before getting up. "That was more then I excepted" He said. As he walked to the smoke of the explosion hair began to wrap around his arms and legs. He was pulled into the smoke and was face to face with Majestic man in seconds. His face was covered in hair as Rudy tried to make out his eyes. "Why" Majestic man whispered. Rudy couldn't hear him. "WHY?!" Majestic man said lifting Rudy high into the air. "What are you talking about?!" Rudy asked as the hair gripped him tighter and tighter. "Why did you kill Jade!?!?" Majestic man said slamming Rudy into the ground. As soon as Rudy heard these words everything slowed down, his heart beat, the wind, the attack, everything was in slow motion. "What did he just say?" is what Rudy thought as he was slammed into the ground. Majestic man picked him back up and waited for an answer. Rudy said nothing. "ANSWER ME!!!!!" Majestic man said slamming Rudy repeated on the ground, making the crater bigger and bigger. With tears in his eyes Rudy couldn't bring himself to say anything. Majestic man stopped for a second and Rudy pulled out his small clippers and cut through the hair on his left arm. He then cut through his left leg and so on. Majestic man went all out trying to grab Rudy but he cut everything that got close to him. "I no longer know what's going on, who the victim is and who the culprit is but what I do know is that this has gone to far!" Rudy yelled. "I agree" Majestic man said gathering his hair and jumping back. "There's no need to talk anymore" Majestic man said forming all his hair into a fist triple the size of his regular hair fist. He charged at Rudy full force. "I don't want to hurt you, your already too hurt" He said. "Don't look down on me!!!" Majestic man said as spikes formed on his fist. "Your heart is in far more pain there any physical wounds, but if I take this hit, I will die" Rudy said. "So I shall cancel yours out and save us both!!!" Rudy said as he began spinning in a circle. Majestic man grew closer and closer, the air around them becoming more and more extreme as they readied there finishers. "Berserking Hyperion Brute Smashing Nucleo Mash Battler!!!" Rudy yelled as the two moves connected. The impact broke all windows in a 5 mile radius and caused all the air to blow away any cars or people around. The ground shook and cracked. The battlefield was now in ruins with no sign of either Rudy or Majestic man left. The battle, was decided.

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