Mommy bear

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Hey babes guess what I'm a mom now, I have an egg baby! His name is Jakerson Alexander. It's for extra credit in my principles of family and human services. Anyways I love you all and I'm sorry I haven't really updated for a while but I'm taking short breaks. I'm so stressed with school and everything. I have 7 more school days until I'm out of here and become a 11th grader, gosh I'm getting old. Anyways here is an imagine for your needs credit to muzlim

the signs meeting 5sos
Aries:fights calum

Taurus:leaves with someone's number

Gemini:accidentally says something that offends one of them


Leo:becomes a groupie

Virgo:tries to act cool but ends up embarrassing themselves

Libra:acts like they're not a fan

Scorpio:makes michael laugh but luke cry

Sagittarius:gets a blurry picture with one of them

Capricorn:talks to michael about video games

Aquarius:ends up on the front page said to be dating one of them

Pisces:is too distracted by ashton's fingers to form a coherent sentence

Michael Clifford imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now