Silent treatment

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"Are they still mad at each other?" Ashton asked, leaning his body against the kitchen counter, Calum and Luke sitting in front of each other at the table, both with a bowl of breakfast in front of them. "Well Michael seemed to cool off, but Y/N is still mad as hell." Luke said with mouth full with food, pointing his spoon down towards the back area. "She slept in there?" Ashton asked shocked, he hadn't even realized that you hadn't been in Michael's bunk over the night. The boys had been silent audience to you and Michael's rather pointless discussion last night, so pointless that they couldn't even remember anymore why in the world it had started, even Michael had forgotten by now, but he still knew that you were mad as hell and didn't want to interact with any of the boys at the moment. You both had fired off the silent treatment card towards each other and none of you seemed to bug in for attention. But being on tour with the boys made it slight difficult to stay away from Michael to get space but Calum was gentle enough to suggest that you could sleep in for the night at the couches in the back of the tour bus, away from the boys and away from Michael. "Is Michael still sleeping?" Ash asked interested, but just as he had asked, Michael almost felt out of his bunk only in his boxers and eyes half shut. "Morning." He mumbled with a yawn, looking over at the boys sleepily before heading towards the back area where you were, the boys looking at each other with wide eyes. "Let's see if he'll survive this." Cal joked, watching as Michael went inside. His eyes landed on you who were sprawled out on the couch, lying on a blanket and having a white duvet over you to heat you up. Michael let out yet another yawn to see if you were awake, but he couldn't conclude whether you were actually sleeping or just ignoring him. He thought for some seconds before taking action, starting to crawl onto the couch right next to where you were resting. "Mh- Move your ass, can't sleep when you're not around to let me wrap my arms around you." Michael mumbled groggily as he rested his knees against the couch, lifting your duvet and inviting himself in. "Go away." You mentally said in your head and wanted to speak up, yet didn't say anything but didn't fight against Michael as he squeezed his arm under your sides, pulling you into his chest afterwards. Michael leaned his head against yours and it didn't take long for him to almost snooze off, his breathing getting deep and small snores leaving his lips. A small giggle slipped through your lips which made your eyes go wide and Michael formed a smirk still having his eyes closed. "I know you can't stay silent and mad at me." He mumbled into your ear, kissing you on the cheek repeatedly. "Yes I can." You mumbled fake grumpy, moving your head so it was pressed into the pillow. "You literally just said something Y/N." Michael laughed, pressing his nose into your cheek to make you move your head towards him again. "Okay, fine you fool." You exclaimed, moving around so your face was pressed against his chest, a satisfied smile coming to Michael's lips. "You can't stay mad at me." He cooed, looking down at you in provocation yet it was goofy. "I can, until you start acting like nothing has happened and then I can't take anything seriously." You mumbled tired, shutting your eyes. Michael let out a small giggle as replay, wrapping his arms tightly around you. "Will you sleep in my bunk tonight? It's awfully cold with you." You looked up at Michael to see he was already looking down at you, placing a small kiss to your forehead. "I will. No more silent treatment. For now of course." You chuckled by the last part, Michael giving you a fake gobsmocked expression.

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