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Life is like a chess game.

The queen is always the most powerful piece, despite the fact that everyone seems to think it should be the king.

I was the pawn for the previous turn, but I'm going to become the queen.

She doesn't know all that I've done to protect her. She doesn't even comprehend that I have done anything for her.

I'm her queen and she's my king.

This time, I will be the hero. This time, I will win the girl. This time, I will be appreciated, loved, applauded.

I see the lovebirds down the hall, and I'd love to tell them how their innocence will be gone within two years.

That she'll be carrying his child, and he would be carrying his guilt.

Further away, our principal greets the students, and I wonder exactly what her expression would look like if I told her she was going to die.

But I must focus on my king. I must keep her safe.

She walks by me, and I'm only alerted by the scent of her perfume as she pushes past me.

For a moment, our eyes meet, and I feel all those connections in the future, the future that I'm going to rewrite, stretching between us.

I readjust my glasses and give her what I hope comes across as a friendly smile.

She blinks and nearly runs away from me.

I'm still the pawn in their eyes.

But I'll be the queen soon enough.

I will win the game, and all will bow before my feet.

Then, even my king won't be able to deny me. She will see me as the hero that saved everything that's falling apart.

Progress With 8253

Note: Head of Hit Rewind requests that 8253 is dealt with by him. This boy is clearly instrumental to something what we're not permitted to know. I've been reassigned to Request 9536.

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