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Could I have stopped it if I had seen what was happening?  With a second chance, could I change the very thing that has shattered my life...

Welcome to Hit Rewind's Official Application
Please fill out the following form completely and honestly.  If you leave any spots blank, your application can and will be denied.

Name: Leslie Grounder
Age: 16
Reason for applying: Second chance with someone I love
Home situation: Currently living with an elderly grandmother
Requested amount of time for Rewind: 2 months
Where did you hear of Hit Rewind: Gossip at school
Extended response of #3: My mother died in a car accident after we had a major fight.  I hadn't been around much, and I regret that the last words we ever shared were angry ones.  I just want a chance to get my mother back and tell her how much I love her everyday.


Every part of me trembles.

I'm a leaf, drifting on the wind.  A leaf torn by a strong gale.

I'm nothing but a screaming voice as all that remains of me is torn to shreds.

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