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Do you ever wish that you had made a different choice?  A choice not to sleep with your devoted girlfriend and then breaking up with her after she told you she was pregnant?  I do...

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Name: Michael Jacobs
Age: 17
Reason for applying: Heartbreak and stupidity
Home situation: Living in an apartment with my single mom
Requested amount of time for Rewind: 5 months
Where did you hear of Hit Rewind: Advertisement
Extended response of #3: I regret breaking up with my girlfriend after she told me she was pregnant.  I don't regret the fact that we loved each other or even the fact that we created a child.  The thing I truly regret is storming out after screaming at her and not going back and trying to make things right.  I believe it's because of my reaction that she chose to abort our child.


I will try to make things right, but if I can erase the pain between us entirely, it will be easier than both of us remembering the ugliness that flew between us.

I want our second chance to be all about our child and our love.  I don't it to bear traces of the bitterness that occurred once I was told what had happened.

I want what Hit Rewind is offering.  I want a clean slate, a chance to have the girl I love look at me without pain.

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