Texas Was You

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Luke's POV:
I woke up to Ashlynn kissing me and telling me to wake up. It was great.

"Okay. I'm. Up." I said I between kisses.

"Good because we need to get goin'." She said with her thick Texas draw.

"Noo stay here." I said and made a puppy dog face.

"Luke we're going together, you just need to get dressed, I'm ready." She said in a 'duh' tone.

"Fine." I said giving in.

Once I was dressed we checked out and went to eat at McDonald's. I ordered for us and we both ate.

"So what's you dad like?" I asked.

"Well he's about six feet tall, he wears jeans, boots, and button down shirts everyday, umm I don't mean to scare you, but he's pretty protective of me, since I'm his only kid." When she said that I swear me face probably turned white.

"Luke don't be nervous, he'll love you." She said while grabbing my hand.

"Okay, I'll try." I said.

"Good, let's get goin'." She said.

"Okay." I said.

About ten hours of switching seats, stopping to eat, and make out sessions, we where there. We got our stuff out of the truck and carried it inside, it was pretty late so I'm sure John was already asleep. We went up to her old bedroom and put on pajamas and got into to bed.

''Tomorrow you'll meet my daddy, I promise you he'll love you." She said.

"I hope so." I said and pulled her close.

"Goodnight Luke." She said and kissed my lips.

"Goodnight baby." I said and kissed her.

I fell asleep quickly while holding her close. I could get used to this.

*the next morning.*
Luke's POV:
I woke up with Ashlynn wrapped in my arms.

"Ash baby, we need to get up and go meet you dad." I said while shaking her lightly.

"Okay." She said quietly while sitting up and stretching.

"What no morning kisses?" I said.

"Oh I'm sorry." She said while kissing me.

"Thank you very much."

"Sissi." She said under her breath.

"I heard that."

I got dressed and wore a button down shirt, not so tight jeans, and boots. Ash wore a yellow sundress, and boots. She look amazing as usual.

We walked down stairs and it hit me, I'm about to meet my girlfriends father. Oh god what if he doesn't like me, what if he doesn't approve of me?

We saw her dad standing at the kitchen counter making coffee.

"Hey daddy!" She said cheerfully.

"Hey Ash, when did y'all get in last night?" He asked while hugging her.

"About ten, you where already asleep so we just went to bed." She said.

"Who's this young man?" He asked while turning his attention to me.

"This is my boyfriend, Thomas, but I call him Luke." She said.

"Nice to meet you, mr. Aldean." I said while putting my hand out for him to shake it.

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