Chapter 8 - Why'd They Have To Die

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Gwen's POV (Trainer's Room)

"The current government?" Vesper asks.

"Yeah." I say.

"Why?" Caitlyn asks.

"Okay. So, several years ago, a bunch of fairly high up people in the underworld, managed to slowly induce World War Three." I explain. "A lot of people died. There are people like us, who found underground bases like this and renovated it to live in. Everyone else, complied with the laws and moved into the current and only inhabitable country. Which is not this one. They didn't want to kill everyone, so they started making them work in those factories. A man named Gary Fair, managed to pull the strings behind this entire thing. He's one of the heads of the new government."

"So how did you end up here? How did we end up here?" Caitlyn asks.

"I found this by chance, in one of the huge bombings on Australia. This place, is where a town called Echuca once was. Above ground...It's a huge wreck. I rescued Cait and found this place. Then I found Maya. Maya was injured and you were...Only four years old. So yeah, this was twelve years ago. After the bombings and the shootings and all the soldiers and prisoners left I went and found food. I found Devon. I found Hayden. Also four. So you're the same age. This place, was all a wreck. We slowly found furniture when Maya recovered to create a place out of this place. When we found Noah and a couple of the others who are now dead, they managed to get the tech to rebuild this place. And over the years we rescued all of you. Made it seem normal, to the best of our abilities. But then...We discovered there was at least a traitor among you. Because they found us and bombed us. They couldn't find the entrance, so they bombed the absolute shit out of this area. We know because they said it. They yelled it and a couple of our cameras set up caught it. Ten of you were injured. Six fell into comas. Four suffered amnesia and we put you into comas. We lost one of us too. You two, were the only ones who emerged unscathed. We could take the trainers and your memories and search them. We know you two aren't traitors. But we didn't give your memories back. Instead, we put you into comas with everyone else. We figured, if we could treat you differently, like soliders, we could probably manage to launch some huge operations against the current government. But we couldn't. It all failed. Everyone's memories are merely blocked which is why we can't access them. Half of yours are blocked half we took but all that's blocked is really your time before here and snippets of stuff, we know enough to know you're not traitors. We'll give you your memories back, but we need your help. We recently sent Devon and Greg to another facility to give them the tech to video chat with us. But we can't do anything until we get rid of the traitors." Gwen says.

As she speaks, insane amounts of memories come flooding back.

"Insane amounts of your memories are probably being unblocked, but we're desperate. The bombing that occured several years ago, happened because they managed to track the traitors. Assuming all were dead, they've been leaving this place alone. They couldn't have found it without knowing exactly where it is and this place had been abandoned for years. They couldn't just bomb every base because they don't know where all of them are and the only way they can know where people are is by being told. So they somehow planted a spy and we've scanned through the trainer's memories, even Noah's. He rebuilt half of this tech for us. A lot of it was here, just ruined, with missing parts." Maya explains. "We'll, give you the rest of your memories. Noah."

Noah spins around on this chair to face us. "Yep. Okay. It's all stored on.....A small USB Stick around here somewhere..." He begins frantically searching for our memories.

"If you lost them, I am going to hurt you." Maya says.

"Nah nah, I got 'em, don't worry." Noah says and pulls out a box of disks and USB Sticks. He pulls out two and holds them up triumphantly. Vesper and I share a concerned glance.

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