Chapter 2 - Leaving And New Info

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Arlyn's POV (Room 2)

It's well hidden and is fairly faint, but it's there. Quite clearly it's there. The number two has been engraved into the door. It signifies quite a few things I think, it says clear as day that this isn't the only room. There's most likely more rooms with more kids like us trapped in rooms. Either that or there's multiple rooms and we just happen to be stuck in room number two.

"I doubt we're the only ones." Vesper, one of my companions who is stuck inside this room in a similar state to my own. I don't comment, I simply nod and continue to stare at the number engraved into the door.

"Why does it show up on the inside though, I wonder." Oscar, my other trapped companion remarks. I still make no comment and contine to analyse the number, taking into consideration what Oscar said.

"You have a point." I finally say. "It does some seem strange. It doesn't make sense. Perhaps it's something we're allowed to know."

"I'm not entirely sure why that would be though, unless we're meant to know. But even that doesn't add up." Oscar suggests.

"Yes, you have a point, it doesn't add up but seems likely simultaneously." Vesper inputs. I run a finger along the engraving once more in a final attempt to grasp the situation.

Then it occurs to me. The engraving didn't go right through the door, there's no hole. Meaning, the engraving is on both sides. We were meant to see this engraving. Another question, one I have mentally and out loud repeated many times: Why?


Caitlyn's POV (Room 1)

We're meant to notice this engraving, meaning it's either there to put us off, or it's a literall key to something, maybe, important that could improve our situation somewhat.

"This is Room One." Myles mutters.

"No shit dumbass." Hayden mutters and shoots him a glare.

"Oi, asshole, I meant as in this is only the first room. There's most likely more rooms." Myles replies sarcastically. They have a literal glare off causing my eye roll.

"Stop it both of you." I instruct them. They stop but not before giving each other one final glare.

"If there's more rooms there's probably more people like us who are stuck in rooms. We didn't hear anything else when the door opened, so these walls are probably sound proof." Hayden says.

"We're probably not meant to meet other people then, or hear them or anything if they exist. Possibly, yet." I say. Myles nods.

"So, what, we just wait around hoping that someone turns up and gives us a bit of info or something?" Hayden demands, clearly pissed off at that option.

"Well have you got any better ideas?" Myles demands. Hayden sighs.

"Exactly, so we just have to wait." I say.

Neither one of them is too happy with the idea, especially Hayden, but it's all we can do at the moment, until we know more, there's nothing else to do. We're completely helpless like this...What the hell are we supposed to do?


Layton's POV (Room 3)

Edgar and Hailey look fairly upset over the situation but it's understandable. We're in Room Number Three apparently so that could mean something I suppose. It most likely means there's more people trapped similarly to us.

I walk over to the trolley of food and pick up a wedge of cheese. I inspect it, before taking a bite out of it, receiving strange looks from Hailey and Edgar.

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