chapter 7

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After lunch I returned to my office and began a special Addition to the Disney collection while munching on a couple of fries. After I finished the Special Addition I cleaned up the place and went home. As I walked inside, I went to the kitchen and saw a note from Ezra saying he's at a friends house. I quickly made dinner and grabbed a bottle of Starbucks and went to my room to chill. As I took my shoes off I placed them neatly in my closet. I used to just slid my shoes off and throw them in the closet without a care but I wanted to change that habit and it basically took me like half a year to get use to. As I was about to lay down, something caught my eye. I bent down and gasped in shock. It was a black laced thong and I'm pretty it isn't mine since I never wear this kind of stuff. How did-? How-? Why-? Nate-? I could feel the tears ready to burst out until I heard Ezra's voice. I held back my tears and blinked them away. I grabbed a plastic bag and threw the thong in there. I threw it under the bed forcefully and went to the kitchen to greet my son with a fake smile.

"Hey kiddo, you back so soon?"

His smile immediately vanished and was replaced with frown. "Somethings up, You NEVER call me kiddo,"

I rolled my eyes "Relax I'm fine"

He didn't seem to believe me but he didn't push it any further. I mean what was I suppose to say? I found a thong in my room and your father is most likely having an affair? I mean as bad as it is I don't want him to think badly of dad, no matter what he did. Ezra then grabbed a bottle of water and went to his room. I sighed and went back to my room. How was I going to confront Nate about this? Why is there a thong in our bedroom? Where did this earing come from? Should I just go up and ask so's the other women? I sighed in fustraition. I can't do it. Not like this at least. As I was lost in thought I checked and saw that it was getting late and decided to get some rest. Should I call to see if Nates okay?.....Tch no. I shouldn't. Maybe he's with this mistress. Does she even know that hes married?! That he has a kid?! But who is she tho? And how did they meet? How did this even happen? Why did I let this happen? Was I not enough for him? was I just a bore to him? We've been together since High school, through college, through everything. How can he do this to me? Maybe I was just least in his eyes.


Okay she finally knows he's cheating. Lol but hopefully you guys liked the story so far I worked hard on this and I'm actually suprised I kept updating daily cuz Im horrible at that like I be like 'I'm busy, I'm more busy, I got stuff to do bye' that kinda stuff lol hopefully you can relate.

-Dellanira out♤♡♢♧

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