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Requested by anandi_112 -chan!
I never actually thought about 2P!Indo, so there you go :v Sorry for da delays :v :v :v It's soooooo long so bare with meh!

I've decided to make 2P!M!Indonesia to be EXTREMELY polite and EXTREMELY violent!

He kinda resembles 2P!England-sama~ BUT FAR MORE VIOLENT


In a certain universe, and at certain time and place....

???: Hehehe~ This is going to be fun!

???: Y-You're really serious on doing this...?

???: Of course I do! I've been waiting for years... to meet my counterpart....



M!Indonesia: Uuuugh..... There's tests tomorrow... TwT

F!Timor: Eh? You have tests tomorrow, akak?! Why??

M!Indonesia: You know me and my country ;-; And I'm the one who proposed it to improve myself...

F!Timor: That's okay, your country will be better sooner or later ;)

M!Indonesia: Yeah.... but really, I haven't studied anything! Tomorrow is math and science! AND THE TEACHER IS SINGAPOREEEEEE!!!

F!Timor: Calm down, bruh.

M!Indonesia: Oh yes, I must calm down... *idea lamp popped out* OHHHHH I should ask Mr. Dukun to help me in my tests!! I'll contact him nowww!!

F!Timor: But akak... you are a dukun.

M!Indonesia: ......

F!Timor: .......You forgot?

M!Indonesia: W-Why would I forget? Such important thing! I'm not myself if I forgot about it... A-Anyway, I'll go to my basement now! Dah, dik Timor ~! *runs*

F!Timor: *sigh* Brothers.... TwT

*in ze basement*

M!Indonesia: Okay okay! I've prepared for the ritual! I just need my incenses... now where did I put it?

*looks at the closed with cloth mirror*

M!Indonesia: Maybe it's behind these clothes? *takes off the clothes*

There's a silhouette of a young man, very identical to a certain person and wears a very gentlemanly suit...

It's getting more clear...

???: Halo, teman lamaku! It's nice to meet you!

M!Indonesia: Huh?

???: Can I go to the other side of this mirror?

M!Indonesia: What the-

???: I can? Hooray! *jumps through*

M!Indonesia: Eeeeh?! You are-

???: Come here! *ties with ropes he brought*


???: Don't move!

M!Indonesia: Why are you here?! Why did you- UMPH?!

???: *closed Indonesia's mouth* Shhhh~ I will not do anything harmful! I'll just take your place for a moment.... Here, if you got away, don't forget to eat my homemade rendang~! *puts lunchbox*

Randomness With Male! Indonesia BOOK IIजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें