Supernatural Pasta

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 Hey guys! Vickironica here with another new story that's probably gonna be the death of both of us! (Seriously help me.) (Like right now help.)

Uhh, this was originally supposed to be a crossover just between Creepypasta and Supernatural, but that has changed over the course of planning and writing. (I only cried like 3 times while writing this.)

Okay warning time. This is a total crack thingy that I absolutely hate and love at the same time do not expect anything to be sane like seriously it's so terrible help. *randomly sings* It started out with one little ship, now it's a GIANT ARMADA WHAT HAPPENED. THAT WASN'T EVEN THE ORIGINAL SHIP AND I USED TO HATE IT WHAT HAPPENED.(Renae:*patpat* There, there, my child, accept the ship, love the ship, BE THE SHIP) (Tori: what??)

Alright, this was a story written by my best friend, Renae, and I, Tori.(Renae:Heyo, taking over your intro~! Pfft, that rhymed!) She did the Supernatural part and I did the Creepypasta part. Either way, ignoring that she's taking over my intro, at the ending she had something she wanted to say too, so when you get to the end yeah...

1 more thing. Sorry Kayla (for future reference) and there are like 3 endings. Well, I'll stop talking now and let you guys go read. (Who's gonna read this like seriously though.) Uhh, feel free to comment or something.

Oh yeah sorry about the cursing. It only happens a couple times though. Till next chapter dudes!


"Recently, there have been many victims murdered in the city of Dayton. Authorities are trying to figure out who has been causing these, but so far, there have been many different ways the murderer is killing his victims. Some may have a smile cut into their face and eyelids cuts, and others will have their kidneys completely removed. A few witnesses have seen a man with a smile cut into his face, and others have seen a man with a blue mask and no eyes coming out of the murder scene. Now onto the recent disappearances of children in Aullwood's Enchanted Forest. People have been saying they've seen a very tall man with no face lurking nearby in the forests, calling children to him."

Sam, was watching TV when he turned to his brother and asked, "Hey, Dean, did you hear that?"

"Uh, no, what is it?" He said putting down the obvious porn magazine.

"So get this, there have been disappearances in Ohio, again."

"It seems like it's always in Ohio, huh?" He responds while looking at an unseen camera.

"Yeah, well, you might want to call Castiel and tell him to meet us in Dayton."

Cas poofs in, "Don't bother, I already heard."

"Damnit, Cas get outta my ass!" Dean says looking a little embarrassed.

Sam stares a moment or two longer than necessary before responding with "Alright, let's go then.


"Hey Jeff, I'm gonna go off and get some more video games. Don't sink any ships while I'm gone." BEN walks out the front door waving behind him.

"See you later. I think I'm gonna go out for a little bit myself." Jeff's smile widened even more. "Hey Slendy, I'm gonna go out for a while!"

"Yes yes, be back before morning." Slenderman was sitting on the couch in the living room, reading a book labeled "How To Make Tacos, Spaghetti, and Pizza: A Conveniently Named Book"

Supernatural PastaWhere stories live. Discover now