Happy Ever After

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So it's been 4 years since the baby was born. Justin and I rented an apartment for college, we just graduated last week. Justin proposed to me, we are planning the wedding, calling family and friends. Life zooms past us. One moment we are in high school, the next we are making our own story. We are talking about having a family of our own. We are now here at the wedding. We just finished our vows. Did the slow dance. And now my handsome husband is singing us a song.
"This song is about me, my beautiful wife, and my amazing friends." Justin began.
"We have come a long way in life. We have a lot of memories together. I heard this song and thought of all of my friends, and I thought of the one I love most. People come and go through out life, but only the special ones stay in it. Having our own lives to live and still try to keep in touch can be tough. It's hard to move on from the best moments. But if you don't move on then you'll be no where in life. So here it goes."
"Memories fade
But there never lost
Colors change
With time and change of heart
If I hold onto the memories
and use then to guide me
Will you be right here beside me
Everything I know is behind me
I've studied a knew life
I just don't want to say
the sun has set
On everything we know
Friends we've made
I don't want to let go
After everything that
We have learned it's
Our time now it's our turn
If I hold onto the memories
And use them to guide me
Will you be right here beside me
Everything I know is behind me
I'm starting a new life
I just don't want to say
The lights go dim
As we suddenly see
Its time to find
Who we are meant to be
We couldn't wait for this to end
Now we wish we could start again
If I hold onto the memories
And use them to guide me
Will you be right here beside me Everything I know is behind me I'm starting a new life
I just don't want to say
I just don't want to say goodbye." Justin ended the song playing the last strings off his guitar. A lot of people had tears in their eyes, including me. Everyone was clapping uncontrollably. That is my new favorite song. I loved the way he sang that song. I love the way he plays his guitar. I love him. When I first met him, I didn't even want to speak to him. I said I would never be with a player, yet here I am, marrying one, and I've never been happier.

*The End. Thank you guys for reading my book. You guys are the best. This is the first book I have completed. I am very proud of my work. Thanks again. And the last time I'm gonna say this, like, vote, and share.*

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