The New Girl

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I got to school in my mustang, yeah that's right I got a mustang. People we're staring at me when I pulled up to the parking lot and parked. They we're even more staring at me when I got out. Everyone was watching me, like I was a murderer. IT WAS WEIRD. When I went into the building I was looking for the office. I finally found the office and saw a nice old lady; she gave me these papers for me to sign and gave me my schedule. When I got out of the office I bumped into someone and it knocked all my books down. When I was bent down to get them I felt something touching my ass. IT WAS A HAND!!
"HEY WATCH IT!" I yelled, while turning around to see a sexy body with a muscular body to it. And that voice was even more sexy.
" fiesty arnt we." He smirked. I raised a brow at him then picked up my books at another angle. He reached out his hand and said,
"The names Bradley, but you can call me Brad." I shook his hand and replied,
"Melissa." He was looking up and down at my body and I just stood their rolling my eyes at him. Typical. He finally said,
"See ya around, Melissa." He smirked. And I blushed at that. I think he might of saw me cause he turned around and chuckled. God i hate blushing. Sure he was cute but its not like he said hey baby your beautiful! I went to my homeroom I saw a girl gesturing me to come sit next to her. As I did so she asked,
"You must be the new girl, Melissa right?.." I nodded and she continued,
"I'm Ashley, you can call me Ash though."
"Or you can call her The Spawn Of Satan!" an unfamiliar voice said behind me I turned around and saw another cute man.
"Don't mind him Melissa, he is just mad that I embarrassed him in front of a girl." Ashley said.
"The name is Carlos." He said and put his hand out.
"Melissa" I shook his hand.
"Alright everyone, settle down. We have a new student today, Melissa would you like to introduce yourself?" No I really wouldn't but I guess I don't have an option do I. Just as I was about to get up the door slammed wide open.
"Ah, Justin nice of you to join us." Of course he would be in this class. UGH. Another typical bad boy that me and Ash were talking about.  I stood up and said,
"Hello, my name is Melissa Vanieshiosoe and I moved here about a week ago, and I came from California so... um... yeah..."
"YOUR HOT!" a voice said in the back of the class but I was not sure who it was. I just sat down and blushed. The rest of the day was pretty okay. I am just happy I don't have a lot of my classes with Justin. I don't like the school bad boys. As lunch came by I got my food and looked for Carlos and Ash. I saw them and went to go sit next to them. We were talking and I heard everyone quiet down and I looked around to see what was the commotion and saw that a group of people walk into the cafeteria. My guess was that they were the popular group.
"That is the popular group" Ash said. HA TOLD YA.
" yeah I kinda figured." I said to Ash but didn't take my eyes off the popular group. and then this very beautiful girl came in. And I could see Ash getting angry. I looked over to her in a confused look.
"Ugh I hate that girl." Ash said in a yelling whisper.
"Why, who is she?" There goes my curiosity.
"She is the Queen Bitch, she embarrassed me in front of the entire school." Ash said. I was about to ask what happened but Carlos just shook his head at me.
"I'll tell you later." Carlos mouthed to me. So after we had our lunch the bell rang, signaling us to go to our classes. Carlos pulled me to the side, and began with the story.
"So Queen Bitch's name is Samantha. Basically Samantha went around school telling everyone what happened 2 summer breaks ago." Carlos said.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Well she was in love with this guy. But turns out that he was just one of Samantha's minions. They went on a camp ground so he could try to get into her pants. Well of coarse the smart girl Ash is, she would reject him. So after a while of rejection, this dude had enough. He attacked her, Melissa. She has scars on her stomach. She lost her virginity that day. He told Samantha everything that happened. One night we had a pep rally, we all didn't kbow what it was for. Samantha convinced the principal that it was for a new cheer that they were doing in cheerleading. Of coarse everyone wanted to come. But after they did the cheer; Samantha announced what all happened at the camp ground. Calling Ashley a slut and all these dirty names. Everyone was laughing at her. Laughing. It was sick. But of coarse the police came and after evidence showed that he really did those things he went to jail. Samantha on the other hand got suspended from school for a week." He finished. God I feel so bad for her. She probably don't need my pity but it's so terrible.
"Wow. I feel horrible." I said.
"Its hard for Ash to not think about it. Every time she would forget Samantha would come and remind her about it." He said.
"Why is she doing this to her?" I was so curious.
"No one knows but Samantha and Ash. But anyways we better get to class." I stopped pressing onto the conversation.  I knew he didn't want to talk about his best friend being attacked. So we walked to class in silence.

*hey guys thank you for reading chapter two of this book and I really hope you enjoyed it so far. and the picture on the side is a picture of Ashley.

Me And The Bad Boy Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant