He Saved Me

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Melissa's P.O.V.

I was being raped in the janitors closet! Why isn't no one helping me.
"Yeah, baby" Blake said, in my left ear. I cried and tried pushing him off of me, but it was no use, Blake obviously has been working out since the last I have seen him. I heard the door open. I looked over to see a shocked and angry Justin. I was crying and wiggling, hopefully he would help me. I was screaming. Justin pulled Blake away and beat till every bone was numb. I think he broke some his bones. I pulled up my pants while he was beating up Blake. I couldn't see the rest, I felt sick to my stomach. I eventually saw black dots. Then completely black, and heard a thump. IT WAS ME.
"Oh baby you feel so good." Blake said.
"Please stop. why are you doing this to me?" I begged.
"Why? Why!?" He started yelling. Suddenly he stopped feeling me up.
"You never gave me a chance. You were 'pure'. I've always loved that about you. How your so innocent. Well were inocent. Now your just a dirty little slut now." He said.
"I'm no slut. You're forcing me into this." I replied.
"Tell that to everyone who calls you a slut at school!" He started laughing.
"Go rot in hell!" I yelled. I felt a burning sensation on my cheek until I realized he had hit me in the face.
"Your going to wish you never said that baby." Blake said inching closer to me. I began to cry again.
~~~when Melissa woke~~~

I was in a very comfortable bed. I was aching. From where Blake hit me, to where he went in me. I opened my eyes, to see I wasn't in my bed. I wasn't in my house! My room was a dark blue, with some black in it. This room was completely black. WHAT IF I WAS IN BLAKE'S HOUSE! I saw that the bathroom light was on. I heard the door open, and jumped out of the bed, grabbing the lamp that was on the night stand next to me. But it wasn't Blake, it was Justin, ONLY wearing a towel. Damn he looked so sexy without a shirt on.
"Done checking me out?" Justin said with a smirk. Oh God I can't believe he caught me checking him out. Wait this kinda sounds like the first day of school, only he was checking me out.
" um w-where am I" I asked trying to change the subject.
"Your at my place" Justin said, rubbing the back of his neck. Well that explains the half naked whores on the walls.
"What? they're not whores, they're just models." Justin defended. Oh my God did I say that out loud I could of sworn I said that in my head.
"Um what time is it?" I asked trying to change the subject, again.
"10:47 at night" Justin said glancing at the clock. I didn't mind because my mom was away on a business trip in Hawaii so it would take a couple months till she gets back. Justin went in the bathroom again to go change. Hopefully he leaves his shirt off. I crawled into the king size bed and layed their and cried, because of what happened in school. Justin came out of the bathroom, and sat on the edge of the bed. I don't know what came to my senses, but I grabbed him by his waist and made him lay next to me. I thought he would reject me, but he didn't surprisingly. He wrapped his arms around me and we snuggled together.
"Where are your parents?" I asked because it would be weird if they came in and saw me like this with him. So I had to ask. I felt him get tense, but he quickly relaxed.
"Um my mom died when I was 10 and my dad is never home." Oh my God that's like mine.
" well your not the only one, my mom is always at work I never see her, and my dad died when I was 6." I told him. It was kidda nice that I wasn't the only one that had this problem.
"Do you have any siblings?" Justin asked.
"Yeah, but he is in collage so he doesn't really come to the house often." I said, I really didn't want to think about him, it's pretty hard growing up with a sibling and then watch him grow up and leave.
"What about you?" I didn't want to keep talking about my brother.
"I have- um had a sister" Justin said, with the most saddest eyes ever.
"What happened?" I asked with full curiosity.
"She was murdered" he said.
"I'm so sorry." I know he didn't need my pity but I had to say it.
"I watched her get murdered, then she died in my arms" he said in a low voice I barely heard him.
"Oh, did you know the murderer?" I asked I was about to tear up but I blinked them away, I hate crying. Justin nodded.
"He was my father." He said in a low whisper, like someone could hear on the other side of the door. I hugged him tighter. I didn't want to let go.
"One day someone will bring your father to justice." We fell into a deep sleep after that.

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