Meeting the Mud-Lover

Start from the beginning

Yet, that's what my father did. I was the result of the same disgusting sin. So, were we the same? We were all tainted. Narcissa's sister, her daughter, my father, and myself...

No, we weren't! I didn't have a choice of who my mother was, or the fact that my father made a terrible choice. Narcissa's sister made the same terrible choice as he had. She was the traiter, and not just any kind of traiter, a blodo traiter.

"The... The filthy traiter! That Mud-Lover! That-"

"Eleanor, stop. I know it's a lto to take in and-"

"Shut up! I don't understand! She's a traiter! I hate her!"

"shush! I know it's confusiong, but you have to be nice. I kow you were todl the muggle borns are bad, and that asssosiating with them is worse, but we're trying to change. We want to be good people, Elle."

"No!" crossed my arms. He started getting impatiant.

"Do you realise the only reason this family isn't in Azkaban right now is because narcissa lied to, to... Voldemort!" I wimpered.

"Don't say his name liek that!" I begged. HE ignored me and continued.

"And saved Harry Potter! If not for her, we would still be under His rule, living in constant fear! And you would probably be in St. Mungo's, living there with out us or anybody else, like yoru friend Mr. Lockhart!"

When he finished, I stared up at him, teary eyes .It was like what he had said went through one ear and out the other. The only thing goign through my mind was disbelief that theywould let someone like her in the house.

"But she's a filthy Mud-Love! A f***ing blood traitor!"

"Eleanor!" He finally became angry. He grabbed my elvow and pulled me into a pantry off to the side. Then, he waved his wand, making a vial filled with my bright yellow Combination come in. "Take it. Now." He thrusted it at me. IN my rage, I downed it all in two gulps and threw the vial to break. he waved his want, annoyed, making it reform and get into his hand.

"Andromeda is right through that door, adn you are being very, very rude. She is our guest, adn you are going to treat her with respect. I can't make you like her, but I can make you treat her nicely."

"I'm not respecting the bloody Mud-Lover!"

"She lost her husband, daughter, and son-in-law, all in this War, not to mention her sister. Narcissa is the oly family she has left. Don't ruin this for her."

"I don't care."

"Well, then, you can either stay out here with us and be respectful, or you can act the way you are now and I will send you to your room. It's your choice." I was abvius that his patience was worn thin. His threat made me quickly close my mouth, and look down with tears in my eyes. I hated it when he went me to my room because it meant that I had to be in tehre alone, without even Virgo or Orion to keep me company. Being alone for that long made me feel terrible. I would either pound on the walls, begging for forgiveness, hoping Lucius would hear, or lay on my bed and sob until I fell asleep. Either way, itwasn't enjoyable, and i would try my best nto to get punished. "Which is it going to be?"

"I'll be good..." I said in a shakey wisper.

"I hope so. You may go sit with her and Narcissa while I finsh the tea. "He opened hte door to the parntry and ushered me out. My stomach growled.

"Breakfast?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yes, Humby is makig breakfast as we speak. don't worry about it. Just go to teh sitting room and be good.' He pointed towards the doorway. I stared at him a couple moments. "Go on." He encouraged.

Eleanor Snape- Book 5, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now