The past

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"I hate him...I hate him.....I HATE HIM."

Those words always rang in my head never forgetting the biggest betrayal ever from my Best Friend. I was humiliated, bullied,alone,weak,defenseless.Those words were always there for that dumbass who always made my life impossible,He made my life a living hell.

Every corner I took I would see people giving me ugly if something was wrong with me like if I was some monster. I never wished for this pain,never in my life.


He was the one who made my life like the hell I been through. But why me?,I never did anything to him why did he do it to me?


Why was I always the one to be picked on,Was I the easy target? Am I easy to be hurt.


Those words were always on my mind,they never left they will never leave,That was the darkest period of my life the biggest humiliation towards me,the hurt in my chest,the nightmares that would always consume me,the demons who choose me to be bait,Him who made me who I am today.

"His fault it's all his fault"

During that time I always had nightmares but after the years I became stronger,with all that negativity I turned it to positive thoughts.Because now I'm strong.
The past
"Hey how are you?" He gave me a dirty look."nothing it's just your presence made my day worse"I looked at him with shock.

" why did he say that,why would he I thought we were best friends"

"Why did you say that?" I asked him,he gave me the deepest glare "Because your annoying and stupid and ugly and you make people die in your presence" my heart broke into billions of pieces.

"I thought we were friends"

I was holding back tears and sobs,"why don't you cry to your parents...oh wait you don't have any maybe they left because they didn't want you...or maybe they tried to kill themselves because they never wanted you" Everyone was staring and laughing at what he said,there was this pain in my chest it was pain,anger,sadness.i looked at everyone who was staring.

"He never liked you it was a joke you idiot why would he ever like you" I knew who's voice was that.....none other than Brittany. Brittany was the queen bee of the whole school and slut.Every guy would fall to there knees for her,she was the queen bitch too.

"Get lost loser no one likes you,go run to your parents.....wait you have no one to run too" she started to laugh,damn that evil witch laugh.i looked back at Alexis,he was trying to hold a laugh.I balled my hands to a fist and whipped my hand back and punched his face,twisted his arm and kicked him,he was on the floor.

I have never been humiliated in my life never in my life I felt this pain,since my parents died.Brittany mouth was open wide open."next time pull a stupid ass stunt like that ever again I will make you pay"I said with every venom in my voice.everyone gasped even her. She went running to Alexis side,I quickly ran out of the school with tears in my eyes I ran to my home.The gates opened to my house I looked at my huge house and went inside my mom was talking to the chef she saw me with tears she looked at me and went running to me and engulfed me into a hug"they......they know I'm....adopted.they h-humiliated me"I cried out "honey it's okay we love you I'm here,it Doesn't matter if your were adopted because you still have loving parents that will always love you,don't listen to them there just jealous of you." I looked at her beautiful blue eyes.she was telling the truth.

My dad came where we were "what's the matter princess who did this to you" I cried harder "A-Alexis did this too me,he humiliated me in front of everyone" he then have my mom and me a big hug,we hugged each other like.....a happy family.

The 2 years everyone forgot about,me and Alexis vowed each other to hate each other we would always fight and make pranks,but I would never give up thanks to my dad ,his trainer showed me combat moves and how to defend myself with awesome comebacks.but this time I was never going to let myself be humiliated ever in my life.Because Im strong.

The present

My alarm woke me up from the dream.I always hate having that dream it always reminds me of the betrayal I faced.I looked at my clock it was 8:45 am I still had 2 hours left so I went back to sleep until.....Dumbass #1 came into my room with loud and annoying sounds to wake up.

I gladly got up and punched in the face and told him to get the hell out before I beat his ass one more time.But today I knew it was going to be a kind day..

What do you guys think of the story so far

1.i think that Alexis was super rude are important and it Doesn't matter where you came from its where you belong-fosters and all that matters is who loves you.

Always remember that your important and comment this chapter and love this book.

I love you all see you in the next chapter👋🏽❤️

I love you all see you in the next chapter👋🏽❤️

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^^^^^^^this is Samantha's house^^^^^^

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