The roommate

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"Why do I have to be with Alexis he's such a douche I swear I hate him" I was laying in my bed thinking until I heard the door open, "great Alexis is here" i roll my eyes at him, he glances at me and gives me a smirk. I flicked him off the I rolled my eyes.

He goes straight to his bed and plops on his bed I chuckle, he then Says "never thought I could make you laugh" I laugh at his words and ignore him afterwards. "I'm gonna go and do stuff" he tells me I still ignore him. Then he goes put the door I stick out my tongue. " god I hate him so much with all my heart, why do we have to be roommates.what does the universe wants us to be together for some strange reason." I then give out a big sigh.

                   2  HOURS LATER

I hear the door open, and Lod and behold it's my "favorite" person in this whole world,comes in barging through the door with some slut,they were giggling and laughing and they were holding each other. I got up and looked at Alexis and told him "what the hell do u think your doing bringing some slut to my place" I gave him a death glare as he gave me a smirk "iz u jelly". My blood started to boil and I slapped Alexis but he caught my hand "What do u think your doing" he shouted I jumped and then he looked at the other girl and told her to get out. At that moment I was utterly confused at what was happening.The girl left quickly and Alexis looked at me " You really like to ruin my fun" I shot back at him "there's going to be worse events than this" I smirked, "I'm going to make you life a living hell for 4 years together" he smiled and let go of my hand. I then kicked him and he was holding his knee. " don't ever fuck with me" I shot at him and went back to bed and watching Netflix.

The next morning

I got out of my bed and It was like 7:05 am. I got out of my bed and went to the bathroom to have a quick shower. I hopped into the shower, after my shower I picked my clothes.
I wore a white crop top with high wasted dark blue jeans and and knit cardigan ad high knee brown boots. I went to go put my make up on I put on a thin layer of foundation, Mascara and lip gloss. I grabbed my bag and went to my classes.

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