How he proposed

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Dallas- After a rodeo, he got down on one knee and proposed in private cause dally didn't like the boys teasing him about going soft. one day, two- bit noticed the ring and all the gang went crazy:)

Darry- Darry didn't propose until many years of dating, because he was so busy with Pony and Soda and working his jobs.  He had pony and soda help him surprise you with a party and then he asked you to get married.

Johnny- You guys were too poor to get a ring, so he had ponyboy buy him one to give to you. Johnny awkardly placed it on your finger when you guys were hanging out at the lot. You smiled and said of course, before he even got a chance to say anything. 

Ponyboy- Ponyboy gave you a new book to read and you guys were reading it together and on the last page he wrote, " will you marry me? " with a little ring taped on the last page. You squealed and said yes. 

Steve- Steve wasn't really the romantic type, and the way he proposed was he and soda hung up big sign  at the DX,and when you walked in you ran to steve and said yes!!! 

Soda- on your 21st birthday, he gave you 21 flowers each with an envelope with a note inside saying  one reason why he loved you. The last one which was white, said "I love you cause you are going to be my wife. you looked up and saw him with a ring:) 

Two Bit- He bought you a cake that had " let's get married" written on it. You ate your cake first before telling him your answer. 

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