Chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning with tear stains down my cheeks. I sat up and looked at the door. There was a note under it, so I got up and grabbed it.
Your mom and me all ready left. Your brother is already at school. Don't be late to school. I love you and I'm sorry about last night. But it would really mean a lot to me if you followed my rule. Have a great day sweetheart.
I rolled my eyes, crumbled up the note, and threw it in the trash. I quickly did my normal routine, threw something on, and grabbed an apple. I sat watching tv for awhile before I left for the bus stop.

I met up with Will and Layla on the bus. "Hey guy and gal. What's up, besides my attitude because I'm pumped for today" I said with a huge smile on my face. They both looked at me weird for a while before Will finally asked "Are you okay?"
"Honestly I died inside while saying that" I said as I slumped down in my chair. "I feel you" Magenta said. I was sitting next to her today. "I can't believe I'm gonna be alone today. Layla why did you purposely get put into sidekick?"
"You know I don't believe in that kind of stuff."
"But you believe in leaving your best friend alone" I said while crossing my arms. "Don't worry" she said while smiling teasingly "Warren will be there." I scoffed and turned towards Magenta. I was talking to her for the rest of the ride to school.

I had gotten my schedule in the "super mail" last night and saw that my first class was Mad Science. I giggled a little at the name and parted ways with my friends. When I found the class I walked inside and chose a seat at a lab table in the middle of the class. You know, so I'm not in the front like a nerd and I'm not in the back like a hoodlum. A lot of people had came into the class already when the bell rang. The teacher walked in and I had to suppress a laugh because of what I saw. He had a tiny stick body and a huge head. I held my hand over my mouth as I snickered and he looked over my way. "Miss Davidson, if you wish to stay in this class I suggest you learn to contain your comments" he said annoyed. I could barely get words out, but a managed a "Yes sir." He turned around and picked up a piece of chalk. "Now. As you all know I am Mr-"
He was cut off as Warren walked in. The teacher turned around and looked at him annoyed. "Ah Mr Peace. Glad you finally decided to join us. Now since your late I will be sitting you next to your partner for the year." I laughed and started to look around the room at which unfortunate soul would have Warren sitting next to them. The longer I looked the more I noticed that there were no seats left. I felt my eyes grow wide as I looked over to my left and saw there was an empty chair. I looked back up and gulped. Mr Madula saw and smiled at me evilly. "Go sit next to Miss Davidson Mr Peace."
At those words I involuntarily let out a groan. I heard the chair next to me move and looked up. There was stupid Warren smirking at me. I started to bang my head on the desk when I heard Mr Madula. "Miss Davidson. If you would please stop that noise so I may continue my lesson."
"Yes sir" I said through gritted teeth. "Now. As you all know my name is Mr Madula..."
I zoned out and started to doodle on the desk. "Miss me" I heard a voice say in my ear. "I rolled my eyes and looked over to him "Please. I missed you about as much as I miss the chicken pocks."
He laughed a little and turned back around to face the front. Then suddenly I got an idea. "Now. I want all of you to try, and fail, to make a quantum ray guns. Now begin."
I turned to face towards Warren. "So partner lets get this rodeo started."
" Oh. So now your talking to me? I thought you hated me."
I looked at him with a smile and put my hand on his shoulder. "Oh Warren. Oh sweet, little, innocent Warren. I do hate you. With a passion, but I hate following rules more than I hate you. But you know what I love?"
"Watching people in pain" he suggested. "That and NOT doing what my parents tell me to do" I said with a sweet smile. "So what does that mean" he asked a little confused. "That means I'm going to be sticking my your side like a fat kid to an all you can eat buffet."
"Less talking more working children" Mr Madula said while stopping at our table. "Sure" Warren and I said at the same time.

We were on the last piece, but we didn't know where it went. Actually, we didn't know where anything went. I turned to Warren and gave the vial of quantum to him. "Want to do the honors my kind sir" I asked in a British accent. "Why of course I would dear lady. And might I say you look quite fetching on this fine day" he said mocking my accent. We both laughed and I waited for him to put the vial in. He went super slow, which annoyed me, but finally pulled his hand away from the ray gun. We called Mr Madula over to check it. "Looks okay on the outside, but let's see how it fires" said while pointing the gun to the chalkboard. "Actually I don't trust either one of you. Brian! Come over here and fire this gun for me" he said as Brian came over. He grabbed the gun from Mr Madula and fired it at the chalkboard. To say it actually fired would be a lie. It actually blew up and shook the whole classroom and made the lights go out. "Ah! The students below us. I need to go see if anything happened" he said while grabbing a flashlight and walking towards the door. But before he went he turned back to me and Warren. "You two are coming with me." Warren and I huffed, but reluctantly got out of our seats. It seemed like there was some aftershock because while we were walking down the stairs the school shook again, which caused debris to fall on us. I looked up and saw the pipe about to fall down, so without thinking, I made I self metal and threw myself on top of Warren. The pipe fell on me and landed somewhere else. Madula ran over to us "Are you two alright? Nice use of your invincibility by the way Miss Davidson."
"Yeah. We're alright" Warren said while getting up. I pushed myself up and returned back to normal. "Yeah. We're good." Debris started to fall again, so Mr Madula grabbed my arm and pulled it. Without think I grabbed Warren's hand and pulled him along with me.

We made it to a classroom that had a yellow glow coming from the window and hurried towards it. Mr Madula let go of my arm and walked through the already open door with his flashlight. "Greetings. Little miss fire in the Mad Science Lab. Isn't that right you two" he said while yanking us into the room. I saw everyone staring at us, so I looked down and blushed. "No need to panic. Unless you're a single cell organism" Mr Madula said. I giggled a little and looked over at Warren, who was smiling too. I looked around the room and locked eyes with Layla. She smiled teasingly and flicked her eyes over to me and Warren's hands. I looked down and saw they were still holding on tightly to each other. I blushed a deeper red and shrugged. We weren't hurting anyone. I looked over at Will and he was glaring at our hands. I hadn't been listening, so I didn't know what was going on, but a teacher fell from the ceiling and into the trash can. "I'll get the nurse." Mr Madula said laughing "Unless she's injured" he said looking at us.

Warren and I had strangely been getting along great the entire week. We weren't really that different from each other.
(Cause I'm too lazy to write a montage)

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