chapter 8.

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Now now...isn't the new cover amazeballs?!?!? Right....right?

It's done by my bae iamanevermore 👧
She's such an adorable lil choco muffin.Read her book "Rising from the ashes."😙👧💓

Now get going with the chapter ahead...🙇

Not proofread SORRY 😯

*Kaira's POV*

"Miss Kaira Madison Young tell me whatever the hell happened at yesterday's party or I'm gonna throw you out of this bed." Clara was shouting at me while standing near the door of my room. See, after Aaron dropped me off at our apartment last night I felt really tired. I guess all the crying and mental stress exhausted me completely. So I had whatever leftover spaghetti that was there from the previous night and slept. And I slept like a polar bear in hibernation. The next day it was Clara's sugar sweet voice that woke me up.Note the sarcasm please.

"Aaaaah stop screaming like a cavewoman Clara,my eardrums must be ruptured by now," I groaned.

"Oh I can actually do a lots of other things if you don't start spilling the beans right at this moment."

And with that she slapped the back of head.

"Ow,that hurts idiot."

Clara instead of replying just shot me a glare.Okay I guess I deserved that. I left the party without informing her and she probably tried calling me but. . .

"Oh crap my phone!"

"Are you talking about the machine called a cellphone, the one where I tried reaching you for like a thousand times yesterday night?",Clara said by tapping her foot on the floor and crossing her arms near her chest.

"I think I lost it at the party,"I sighed.

"Who loses their phone in a party?,"Clara rolled her eyes.

The thought brought back memories from last night and my encounter with Josh. I hope he didn't notice me like I did.

"Well it wasn't my fault! I wasn't in my right state of mind."The last few words barely came out as a whisper. I was on the verge of having another tearful breakdown if I didn't compose myself at that instant.

Clara must have noticed the change of expression in my face. She sat at the edge of my bed and softened her voice. "What happened yesterday Kai? I know I can never be your best friend Milania. But I can atleast ask for being the second best in your list of friends. I know that you're hiding something from me. Something has happened in your past that you don't wanna be open about. But just know that whatever had happened or whatever will happen, I'll be always be by your side."

I could already feel tears rolling down my face by the time Clara finished speaking.Gosh who knew Clara had such an emotional side to her.

"Look you're bringing the mushiness outside. Ah that's the longest and most emotional thing I've ever said to someone.God I should get an award or something for myself."

"That's the Clara I know.Don't ever bring the mushy Clara out please. She's too much to handle. And just so you know I've already taken you as my other best friend.And you're the best room mate anybody can ever ask for."

"Whatever." I heard Clara saying.

I really felt bad that I had not told Clara about my past. She has been my rock since I've come to this new city. It was for her that I didn't feel out of place here.And what did I do in return? I was being unfaithful to her. The wave of guilt and sadness that washed over my heart is hard to explain in words.

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