chapter 10

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Here's the tenth chapter of NTBH...
Happy reading!

*Kaira's POV*

"So you've never been on a motorcycle?"

"Nope", I said making a popping sound at the 'p'.

"Like never?"

"No Aaron, I have not been on a motorcycle ever. And this is the last time I'm telling you that. Stop asking me the same question over and over again," I said with the stop-irritating-me look.

"No, I'm just wondering how much you've missed by not riding on such beautiful creations."

I just sighed in response. That sigh clearly meant 'whatever-you-say' along with a roll of my eyes.

We have been on Aaron's death trap(the motorcycle to be specific) for almost an hour. His was an Harley Davidson Street Bob. Well that's what he told me, I had no idea what he was on about when he started telling me about the bike's mileage and style and other such stuff. But I wasn't bored either. Like, not bored at all. That's because the enthusiasm with which he was explaining, showed clearly how much he cared for the vehicle. His enthusiasm amused me, quite frankly.

Before getting on the ride, he asked me if I'd like to see the so-called tourist spots of the city or if I'd like to experience the true beauty of the city. Obviously his mysterious question intrigued me so I replied in positive for the latter.

"We've been riding for so long Aaron. Are you sure we are not lost or something?"

"Are you kidding me Kaira? I know this city like the back of my hand. I've lived here long enough to claim that. So chill."

"Yeah yeah okay but I hope we just reach there, where ever you're taking me faster."

After a brief pause I added, "And I also hope that you're not secr-"

"I know what you're gonna say but don't worry I'm not secretly a serial killer who'll chop your body and then bury the corpse in the woods."

I just giggled in response because that's exactly what I was going to ask him. I still have no idea where he's taking me though. It was getting harder for me to wait any longer.

"Aaron this is getting on my nerves now. Tell me exactly when are we reaching there?"

"Can you stop nagging and sit quietly for a bit? I'm trying to drive here you know."

"Well try driving faster, then maybe we can reach there in this century itself."

Note to self: Aaron wasn't driving slow at all. But I just had to shoot a comeback.

We left the busy streets of the city a while back. Now we were on the road and looking at both of my sides, I knew that it's countryside. It has rained not even a few hours ago so the grass looked really green and the leaves of the trees on either side had a glossy look as the dust have been washed away. It felt so peaceful and serene.The cool breeze was hitting my face and to say I was enjoying would be an understatement. With the helmet on, my hair was a mess I was sure but I didn't care. The speed made my heart flutter and I felt so free.

I closed my eyes and for the first time ever, I could feel such tranquility inside me. It's for the first time that on closing my eyes I didn't see flashes of memories from my high school or from my home. I just feel plain happy. No other trace of any emotion. Maybe that's because for once in my life I'm truly happy. Then suddenly it struck me- how I met Josh just yesterday, how my past still hasn't left me and haunts me everyday and how maybe this feeling of happiness is just an illusion and will vanish as this bike ride ends.

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