chapter 7

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Not proofread SORRY 😯

*Kaira's POV*

It was him. It was really him. Josh Howard. My first,last and the only boyfriend I ever had in my life.

Just by looking at his frame all those flashes of memories came thrashing back. The moments we spent together,the promises he made to me and those "I love you"s he said so many times...

But it was all a big fat lie! I was the part of a sick prank which he and his best friend had played to humiliate me.It seems there was never a relationship to start with.Everything was a facade and nothing else.They were just having "some fun" with me.

And by "fun" they mean damaging my image infront of the entire school more than it already has been damaged.As if whatever rumors his best friend had spread and whatever he did to me wasn't enough to scar me for the rest of my life.I don't even feel like taking that jerk's name.Thinking about him makes me nauseous and want to throw up!Derek Blades.Yes the one and only who ruined my entire highschool life.Who made this plan to break my heart.I was already broken... mentally and emotionally.And he pushed me to my breaking point with his silly games. Josh just played his part and didn't even think twice before dumping me on our 6 months anniversary.Yes he dumped me on our anniversary.How pathetic is that?Afterall that's how the plan was supposed to work.

I can't believe I was stupid enough to fall for him.To even dare to think that somebody can love me.That too Josh Howard,Derek Blade's best buddy.That time he told me that he doesn't care what Derek thinks about me or our relationship.He said that he loves me and if it bothers me that much then he is even ready to end his friendship with Derek.But I being the better person that I am told him to do no such thing.So stupid!So stupid! I guess for once I just wanted to think that there's someone who loves me with all his might and who doesn't give a damn what others think about me.

"You are nothing but a useless piece of shit Maddie,no one can ever love you!You deserve no such thing called love."

Those were the exact same words Josh told me while breaking up.Derek stood there showing off his victorious smirk. And I just stood there paralyzed,trying to figure out whatever that's happening is true or it's just a nightmare. Even tears didn't come fall, cuz I was too shocked to even cry.Those words still haunt me despite the fact that it's been over almost 8 months.

" one can ever love you"

After the breakup the entire school was fed with the rumour that he was in a relationship with me just so that he could get into my pants.And the rumour also said that he did sleep with me, that I was begging him for more and I even said that I was ready to do anything to get laid for the next time. Basically I was labelled as a slut in my school and nothing less.

I didn't realize that tears were rolling down my cheeks until a certain someone shook me.

"Hey Kaira are you okay? Please say something!What happened Kaira? Kaira?"

That voice calmed me somehow and I turned my back,to look at the source.Immediately my eyes settled on a very familiar crystal blue eyes. Aaron. But then I did something which was unexpected even for me.Without giving Aaron a chance to utter another word I ran.

I ran outside the room through the door and kept running.I had no idea where I was going. But I didn't want to stop. I felt as if I was running for my life.But probably it was my past that I was actually running from.

Then I had to stop. I couldn't run anymore.All my energy was drained out and I had difficulty catching my breath. I felt such a big vacuum inside as if air has been sucked out from my body. My exhaustion gave way to the tears which I've been trying to hold in and I started sobbing hysterically. It was just all too much to take in at once. Those memories were really fresh and this whole incident felt like salt added to my unhealed wounds.

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