chapter 4

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Above is your  funloving Clara😛

Not proofread SORRY 😯

*Kaira's POV*

Even at home Clara wouldn't stop pestering me about that Aaron guy.I still couldn't put my finger at what I found familiar about him. I dunno maybe I'm overthinking it but it's just ther,at the back of my mind.What if he really is from Riverdale? Maybe that's why he found me familiar and said that he seemed to know me.And that thought is scaring the hell out of me,I swear.

I mean there's no way that anybody from Riverdale is gonna recognize me though.My entire look is completely changed from what it was a month ago. I changed my hairstyle-I have bangs now,my waist-length hair has been cut short and now it reaches just beyond my shoulders,I even got crimson highlights to flaunt now. I ditched my ridiculous glasses and have started wearing lenses.Even my wardrobe got a makeover and the courtesy goes to none other than my bestie Mills.I swear she went completely overboard with it. She discarded all my floral prints even when I begged her not to.Now I own end number of solid colours and patterned tees and ripped jeans.She even forced me to buy two dresses. A oneshoulder and a bodycon,which were way too short for my liking. Actually she didn't force me,she just bought it herself and tucked it in my suitcase.When I asked for a justification for buying two hella expensive dresses she simply said "Miss Kaira Madison Young you are going to college and trust me you'll need these dresses there." For God's sake I was going to college to study and not to go hooking up with boys.But I dare not utter those words infront of her. Cuz nobody mess with the great Milania.
I just rolled my eyes at her antics.I didn't even try protesting cuz knowing Mills I knew that there's no use trying to convince her. She can be very stubborn if she wants to.But I was actually happy with my look and wardrobe.I know it sounds ridiculous but my new clothes managed to give me a certain confidence and a little bit of feel-good feeling from inside. I was no longer gonna be the damsel in distress rather I have to become the warrior from nowonwards.Okay,that was a bit too dramatic.

"You know what this habit of yours spacing out every now and then really gives me the creeps",I heard Clara shouting at me.

"Hey,I didn't space out!",I replied almost immediately. "Okay if not then tell me what was I ranting about since the last five minutes?",she demanded. "Ummm,you were saying...",I tried in vain."Yeah tell me tell me,I'm all ears",Clara said with a smirk on her face that I so badly wanted to wipe off. "Well lemme guess,you were thinking about Mr.Hot Pants,weren't you? As I was saying you could have asked for his number you know?",Clara said as if that was the most obvious thing in the world to do. "What? No. Why would I do that?",I literally shouted in reply."Whoa calm down Miss,I was just telling cuz you know it's not everyday that a very hot guy walks up to you and introduce himself,"Clara said.Yeah Hot,that he definitly was! And those beautiful baby blue eyes I could swim in them forever and he was even in the same college. Get a grip Kai!This is not normal at all. I saw this guy for like what,two times if the first time even counts and look at my thoughts about him.God what's wrong with me? Boys could never affect me before then what's the difference this time?! Moreover I can't get burnt twice.Even if I want I can't forget what happened last time when there was a boy in my life.

"Kai you okay? Kai what's wrong?",Clara was shaking me. "Bae I'm really sorry if I said something to upset you! I was just fooling around like I always do you know.Please don't take my words seriously. Half of the time I don't even know what I'm talking about."

"Clara calm down okay!! You didn't do anything...It's just that I remembered something from my highschool which, let me put it in this way is not a very good memory to me ",I tried pacifying her.Geez,did I feel bad about making her feel like this.

"Oh thank the good lord!You got me worried Kai.You were all happy and smiling and suddenly your mood changed totally. You had that sad glim in your eyes and your eyes were wide with I dunno what fear or anger or sadness."Clara said it all in one breath."Do you wanna talk about it? You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"

I thought about it for a second.To tell Clara everything about what I've gone b through and how my life was back there but decided against it.I'm not ready yet.I still need time and more willpower before I disclose it to anybody who's not Mills.

I sighed and told Clara,"I'm fine okay.And please I don't wanna talk about any of this right now.Can we please leave all these and watch some Modern Family reruns?".

"You don't have to tell anything right now okay and your wish is my command milady.Modern Family it is,"Clara agreed with me and dare I say this is one of those very rare occasions,you know Clara agreeing to me or to anybody for that matter."Clara,I was thinking that I should get you freaked out more often you know .See you agreed with me and I didn't even had to request you twice." And with that my friends,I received a smack in my shoulder.

"Ouch that hurts dumbo",I said pouting. "Stop talking and switch on the TV,will you?",Clara said. "Yes mom," and I got up from the couch to the TV's main switch.

"And can we please order Chinese today? We haven't had that in ages,"I pleaded her. "Well it was my turn to cook today so I ain't got no problem girl,"Clara said a little too enthusiastically. "Yea yea watevs,I'll just order and come," I said leaving our living-room.

"Be quick it's gonna start anytime now."

Well this chapter was just a filler I know. Sorry for that *scratching the back of my neck*

But I'm sure you'll love the next chapter though :P

Stay tuned peeps...

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Love ya loadz,

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